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Search Boost is the complete search engine solution for DNN. Featuring a powerful indexing engine, it allows searching websites as well as targeted subsets of the. By Iowa Computer Gurus. Scheduled SQL Jobs Module. Keeping a DotNetNuke site database clean can be a real nightmare for those hosting sites on shared hosting providers. DNN formerly DotNetNuke is a web content management system based on Microsoft. NET. The DNN Platform Edition is open source. DNN is written in C, though it existed. I am in the process of building a new site, based on DNN, and sought a better solution for comments. With this in mind I posted a cry for help on facebook https www. Many friends responded with suggestions but the solution I decided to try was offered by Joe Brinkman Web. Sockets. Joes suggestion turned out to be a perfect solution for my requirement. In this blog post I will walk through the steps to a working solution. Basic Stuff. To start we need a basic module. I use a template, created from Chris Hammonds DNN Templates https github. KB/dotnet/SkinCreatorForDotNetNuke/BSC_Screenshot.jpg' alt='How To Install Skin Dotnetnuke Hosting' title='How To Install Skin Dotnetnuke Hosting' />Chris. HammondDNNTemplates, in which I stripped out what I dont need and added what I do need. Basically I have removed the items marked in yellow and added those in green in the second image The project is located in Desktop. Modules and NOT Desktop. ModulesMVC. Ignoring the apps folder for the moment we will look at Web. Api. This will allow us to list, add, edit and delete comments using Dnn. Api. Controller. To do this. Add a folder named Web. Api. Add a class Comment. Controller to the folder Web. Api. using Dot. Net. Nuke. Web. Api namespace dnn. Modules. Demo. Push. Web. Apipublicclass Comment. Controller Dnn. Api. ControllerYou will need to inherit from Dnn. Api. Controller and add some references and using statements. Add References System. Web. Http System. Net. Http Dot. Net. Nuke. Web Add using statements System. Net for Http. Status. Codes System. Net. Http for Http. Response. Message System. Web. Http for Http. Get, Action. Name and Allow. Anonymous To make sure it all works we add a test method lt summary API that returns Hello world http. APIdemopushcommenttest lt summary Http. GetAllow. Anonymouspublic Http. Response. Message Hello. Worldreturn Request. Create. ResponseHttp. Status. Code. OK, Hello World from DNN Comments One more class is required before testing. In order to gain access to the API we need a route. This is handled in a class named. Route. Mapper as shown below. Dot. Net. Nuke. Web. Api namespace dnn. Modules. Demo. Push. Web. Apipublicclass Route. Mapper IService. Route. Mapper lt summary Registers the routes. Manager The route manager. Register. RoutesIMap. Route route. Managerroute. Manager. Map. Http. RouteDemo. Push, default, controlleraction,new dnn. Modules. Demo. Push. Web. Api In the components folder we add a Business. Controller class namespace dnn. Modules. Demo. Push. Components publicclass Business. Controllerprivatestatic Business. Controller instance publicstatic Business. Controller Instancegetif instance nullinstance new Business. Controller return instance Before compiling you should note the following manifest entries so DNN knows what to load for your module Compile the module in Release mode and install it in the normal manner. Test the module API by browsing to the site. In this case the development site is at http dnn. APIdemopushcommenttest. The Url to your development test site may be different. The result is successConverting to Angular Module. Angular code used below came from a series of blog posts by Torsten Weggen at http dnn connect. The task is to turn this into an Angular module. For this demo I am using Angular 1. I have installed in this DNN instance. In addition I have installed two additional libraries Note to self Must update to latest Angular For now create a folder structure to contain the angular code for this demo. This structure contains an apps folder in the root of the project with sub folders for each angular application. There can be multiple angular applications in a single project. The application name for this module is comments. Each application contains sub folders for service, controller and templates. In addition a javascript file named app. App, We also need a service, controller and list template for comments. Service list. Service. App. factorylist. Service, List. Service List. Service. inject function List. Servicehttp, service. Root var url. Base service. Root comment var service service. Test function Test return http. Base test return service Controller list. Controller. jsfunction use strict angular. App. controllerlist. Controller, List. Controller List. Controller. List. Controllerscope, window, route. Params, log, sce, list. Service var vm this vm. Comment. Count 0 vm. Comments vm. Comment vm. Test function Test list. Service. test. thenfunction success. Callbackresponse vm. Status response. Callbackerr. Data vm. Status err. Data. Message Template list. This is simply a button to call the test method and a resulting status. Add index. html to the root of the module. This will load the required javascript files, get the app started and provide routes. Appclasscomments lt div ng view Loading comment list. Name, module. Id, api. Path var sf. Services. Frameworkmodule. Id var http. Headers Module. Id sf. Module. Id, Tab. Id sf. Tab. Id,Request. Verification. Token sf. Anti. Forgery. Value var local. App. Name app. Name module. Id var application angular. App. Name, app. Name. Root, sf. get. Service. Rootapi. Path. Properties,. Provider,route. Provider Extend http. Provider with service. Framework headersangular. Provider. defaults. Headers the js file pathvar js. File. Location scriptsrcdemopushappscommentsapp. File. Location js. File. Location. replaceapp. File. Location. index. Of 1 js. File. Location js. File. Location. substr0, js. File. Location. index. Of route. Provider. Url js. File. Location Templateslist. Controller, controller. As vm. otherwiseredirect. To list return application var app initcomments. App, Demo. Push var module. Container document. Element. By. Idcomments. App angular. bootstrapmodule. Container, app. name lt script There is only one route in this case but multiple applications in this module would require additional routes to different controllers and templates. Place the module on a page and you should see something like this Clicking test should result in a call to the same test method used earlier to test the API You now have the basic angular module working. Time to add some Comment Data using DAL2. The table definition below shows the data model used in this demo. Add a new class named Comment. Info to the Models folder. Add a reference to System. Runtime. Serialization. System using System. Runtime. Serialization using Dot. Net. Nuke. Component. Model. Data. Annotations namespace dnn. Autodesk Autocad Civil 3D 2012 Keygen. Modules. Demo. Push. ModelsData. Contractpublicpartialclass Comment. InfoData. Memberpublicint Comment.