A website with various source code and resources for Visual Basic and Visual Basic. Net. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained with an example, how to upload multiple files with Progress Bar using AngularJS and AJAX in ASP. Net using C and VB. Net. String. format is not just a relic from a bygone era, but is actually still very useful even in todays brave new world. Its time to dig into some data formattingA few things that make them different from a Windows application are that a Windows Service starts before any user logs on to the system if it has been set up to start at boot up. The service can be set up in such a way that it requires the user to start it manually. Also, Windows Service has its own process hence, it runs very efficiently. Normally, a Windows Service will not have a user interface for the simple reason that it can be run even if no one is logged on to the system. This is not a rule you can still have a Windows Service with a user interface. In Windows 2. 00. Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then clicking Services. USB HID Template for Visual Basic 200520082010 Published on 29 November, 2010 Introduction. With the decline of serial and parallel ports from modern computers. Read and Write CSV File in VB. NET We are using the FileIo namespace for writing CSV file and OLEDB Ado. CSV file. Understanding C 7. Visual Studio 2017 15. C 7. 1, and ReSharper is quick to catch up with its language features. For example, C. Creating a Windows Service in VB. NETPrior to VB. NET, creating a Windows Service was a lot of work. You had to use some system level procedure that was not very easy, but thanks to VB. NET this has become very easy. We shall now learn how to create a Windows Service. You should know a few things before we dive in. Windows Service is not available in Windows 9. ME. You need to have Windows NT or Windows 2. Services. The advantage to using. NET is that the framework incorporates all the classes. This shall help us to create, install, and control Windows Service. Open your Visual Studio. NET, create a new Windows Service Project, which we shall call My. Service, and then click OK. Add the Timer control from the Toolbar in the Components tab. In the properties window of Timer. Interval property to 1. The Source Code. Double click the Timer. Timer. 1Elapsed and type the following code. This code shall execute every 1. Dim My. Log As New Event. Log. If Not My. Log. Source. ExistsMy. Service Then. My. Log. Create. Event. SourceMy. Service, Myservice Log. My. Log. Source My. Service. My. Log. Write. EntryMy. Service Log, This is log on. CStrTime. Of. Day,. Event. Log. Entry. Type. Information. Type the following code in the On. Start procedure. This procedure is called when you start the service, which shall enable the timer. Timer. 1. Enabled True. And type the following code in the On. Stop procedure. This procedure is called when you stop the service, which shall disable the timer. Timer. 1. Enabled False. Our application is now ready, but a few things still need to be done before we move ahead. When we build this application, the executable created is not a Windows application hence, you cant just click and run it. It needs to be installed as a service but dont worry we dont have to do it manually. VB. Net has a facility to add an installer to our program and then use a utility to install the service. Adding Installer to the Project. Open the Service. Add Installer option. This adds an installer project, Project. Installer. vb, with two controls, Service. Process. Installer. Service. Installer. Select the Service. Installer. 1 control and open the property window. Change the Service. Name and Display. Name properties to My. Service. This is the name you want to appear in the list of services in Services windows. Select the Service. Process. Installer. Change the Account property to Local. System. This needs to be specified because we need to run this on our local machine. Now it time to build the application and create an executable. Select Build Solution from the Build menu to create an executable with installation instructions for the service. Installing the Service. To install this service, we need to use the Install. Util program, which is a. NET utility, to install Windows Service. You can find this in folder C WINNTMicrosoft. NETFrameworkv. 1. This might be different on your computer, depending upon the version you are using. Alternatively, you could run the. NET Command Window by selecting Start, Programs, Microsoft Visual Studio. NET, Visual Studio. NET Tools, Visual Studio. NET Command Prompt. This sets all the required paths for you. Type the following command in that window Install. Util C tgolMyserviceBinMyservice. This is the path for the executable of the service we just created. Remember, VB. NET created the executable in the Bin Folder under the project folder. Please make sure you change this to your executable path. Please look at the message and log to make sure the service is installed properly. Starting the Service. Running a service and starting a service are two different things. When we install the service with Install. Util, we are now running the service but have yet to start it. To view and start the service, open the Control Panel. Open Administrative Tools, click Services, locate My. Service, and right click and select Start to start this service. Now our service has started. Open the Event Viewer from Administrative Tools and click the Application Log to see the logs created by the Service My. Service every 1. If you dont see any logs, click Refresh F5. You will have to keep refreshing to see the latest event logs. Stopping the Service. Open Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, click Services, right click My. Service, and select Stop to stop the service. Uninstalling the Service. This procedure is similar to installing the service, but now we shall run the Install. Util with U Parameter, which uninstalls the service Install. Util U C tgolMyserviceBinMyservice. Please look at the message to confirm that the service is uninstalled properly. Tips. Stop the service and close the Service window before you installuninstall the service. Always uninstallinstall if you make any changes to the service application. Try avoiding user interface, inputs, and msgbox in the Service Application. Open Project. Installer. Service. Installer. Change the Start. Type property to Automatic if you want to start the service automatic. Best Personal Small Business Financial Management Software. Conclusion. Windows Service is often overlooked. Use Windows Service instead of a standard application when you have to monitor or administer something in the background. The only disadvantage is the installation procedure, but I bet there are more positive aspects then negative when selecting Windows Service over applications running Windows Scheduler.