Otherwise, you can figure out the rest in Step 6, where youll actually set up your Hackintosh with Multibeast. After youre done with the Customize page, install Mountain Lion. This will take at least 3. Once the installation finishes, remove your i. Atkos USB driveDVD, and restart. At the boot screen, youll see an icon for the hard drive where you installed Mountain Lion. Select it use the arrow keys on your computer and press Enter. Installare Mac OSX su PC, pur essendo illegale e complicato, non una cosa impossibile per i pi esperti ma ci vogliono tempo e un po di esperienza. Apple does not authorize the use of Mac OS X on any x86 PC other than the ones it has developed itself. The company used technical means although not the Trusted. Tutorial de como instalar a nova verso do Mac, Yosemite, na VirtualBox. Seu processador pode ser tanto AMD como da Intel, mas ele precisar ter suporte. Mountain Lion will boot. Mission accomplished The sixth picture shows the final screen. Once again, if you get a kernel panicloading error when you try to boot your new Mountain Lion installation or if the installation simply wont start within 1. QsBhZyuQys/VEVi9TlaC7I/AAAAAAAAFwY/HOj2G3_NaD8/s1600/Region%2Bcapture%2B4.png' alt='How To Install Os X Mavericks In Virtualbox With Iatkos Download' title='How To Install Os X Mavericks In Virtualbox With Iatkos Download' />An existing Windows computerMacHackintosh This is the computer where you will download and set up iAtkos. Either Windows or Mac OS X will work. To enter boot flags, manually restart your computer by pressing your computers power button. Then, once youve booted back into the i. Atkos menu, try type any necessary boot flags I will post a guide about boot flags soon before pressing the enterreturn key. Check out this list of common boot flags I will post this list soon for reference PCIRoot. UID0 and x are two popular boot flags.