Seaman gang, the 1st Lts folks, are often non quals who are e 4 below with a first class or senior second class petty officer as leading petty officer. When the wardroom is short on baby Ensigns andor in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st Lt may be a Chief Petty Officer. JV Engineering sound powered circuit. Growler2. MC Engineering loudspeaker circuit. Its like the 1. MC but restricted to Engineering Spaces. MC On submarines this is generally the Ships Control Comms Circuit between the OOD on the bridge and Helmsman below in Control. MC Ships command intercom circuit, mainly used between the bridge, combat, and flight decks. Also known as the Bitch Box. A female, perceived to be unattractive otherwise, out at sea on a ship which has many more males than females and who is consequently paid more attention than she would be paid on land. She was a 2 before going to sea, a 1. Abbreviation of Its gonna take 2 surgeons 6 hours to remove 1. Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. P 1 Work center Maintenance manual prior to OPNAV numbering the current guidance 4. P. The series of books 4. P 1, 4. 3P 2, 4. P 3 4. P 4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance. The 4. 3P 2, 4. 3P 3 4. P 4 books were replaced in the mid 1. M all across the front side. The 4. 3P 1 book containing MIPs stayed in the work center and was a deep red color with 4. P 1 across the cover. Officially no longer named the 4. P 1, the fleet continues to name and refer to their work center maintenance manual as the 4. P 1. 4. JG Communications circuit used by V4 Fuels Division to coordinate flight deck fueling operations between the flight deck and below decks pump and filter rooms. Also used to pass information between a flight deck fuel station and flight deck control as to status of fueling operations for individual aircraft. Found on aircraft carriers and similar vessels. MC Emergency communications circuit that overrides sound powered phone communications to alert controlling stations to a casualty. MC A circuit similar to the 1. MC, except that it is only heard on the flight deck of an air capable ship and in engineering spaces. It is EXTREMELY loud to overcome the jet noise on the flight deck. Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. Preferred term by Amphib sailors for LCM 8 or LCM 6 boats, as opposed to Mike boat. Day Wonder, 9. 0 Day Miracle OCS graduate as opposed to a graduate of four year Naval Academy or ROTC training. A period of five nights and four days off of work due to special liberty or holiday. Very rarely occurs due to duty. Amnesia Occurs when a sailor has been deployed and selective memory is desired to deal with questions asked by his or her significant other. Whatever happens on WESTPAC stays on WESTPAC. U. S. soil An aircraft carrier. Abu Dhabi used attributively as an adjective Labeled in Arabic aboard a ship used of any product, but especially soda cans. Weve been home from cruise for 8 months and we still have Abu Dhabi Cokes in the vending machines More common synonym Hadji. Acey Deucey Club A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. Admin Aviation,Pre arranged meeting point, or shared hotel in port. Admin Warfare Specialist humorous, sometimes derisive A yeoman, personnelman or holder of another Navy administrative rating. Used especially of a sailor who does not have a warfare pin. ADCAP Advanced Capability Torpedo that began life as the Mk 4. After the 3rd Mod, advances in computer technology and circuit miniaturization brought about the ADCAP which is a truly remarkable torpedo. ADSEP ADministrative SEParation Release from Naval Service for administrative reasons. The list of reasons is very extensive and can be found in BUPERSINST 1. C, Enclosure 2. AD Aviation Machinist Mate, one who throws wrenches at aircraft and prays to mech gods for a favorable outcome. A Farts AFRTSArmed Forces Radio Television Service. A Farts is received via satellite all over the world and offers a variety of shows. Some of the most entertaining offerings are the propaganda commercials it frequently airs since regular advertising is not permitted. AFTA Advanced First Term Avionics Part of the advanced electronics schooling package, reserved for ATs AQs and AXs for advanced training. Basically, they taught the PO2 exam for 6 months. A Gang The Auxiliaries Division of the Engineering Department. Members are known as A Gangers. Also called Fresh Air Snipe. Ahead Flank Liberty The fictitious speed at which a ship travels after a mission or patrol is completed with high marks and the ship is headed into very nice foreign ports that cater to visiting US Forces. AIMD Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department. A department on aircraft carriers and Naval Air Stations responsible for maintaining aircraft sub assemblies.