Now that we have setup Windows Server 2003 on our virtual machine, patched it with SP2, installed an antivirus and setup DNS, it is now time to setup Active. Understand the functions your Windows 2003 server can perform. You can set it up as a domain controller and configure Active Directory Server to manage users and on. Active Directory and DNS Setup on Windows Server 2003 for the Applied CS Labs Clarkson University Preparation Static IP address reserved and set on the future. This topic is about Configuring MSMQMQSeries Bridge on Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000. How to check and configure Active Directory parameters for Windows Server 2003. This document assumes that Windows 2003 Active Directory is already configured and. Configure Active Directory Domain ServicesHow to setup FTP Server with Active Directory Authentication on windows 2. If, like me, you have a lot of Dell servers in the estate you manage this article should save you a little time. When attempting to login to i. Drac on any server I would be presented with two errors. The first reads Do you want to run this applicati. Configuring Windows 2. Active Directory Server for use with pc. Anywhere LDAPThank you for your. Subscribe to this Article. Manage your. Subscriptions. Situation. The Windows 2. Active Directory must be installed and configured before configuring pc. Anywhere to use LDAP Authentication and servicesĀ for Windows 2. Active Directory. To implement Windows Active Directory in pc. Anywhere, you must extend the schema on the server. This process involves the following tasks Adding the snap in. Creating the pca. Host. Entry attribute. Creating the pca. Host object. Associating the pca. Host object. Setting user rights. Administrator rights to the server are needed to perform these tasks. Solution. Adding the snap in. Follow this procedure to add the snap in to the Microsoft Management Console MMC. To add the snap in. On the Windows taskbar, click Start Run. Type Regsvr. 32 schmmgmt. Click OK Twice. 4 On the Windows taskbar, click Start Run. Type mmc. 6 Click OK. On the Console. 1 toolbar, click File AddRemove Snap in. Lorenzo Y Pepita Comics. In the AddRemove Snap in dialog box, click Add. Click Active Directory Schema, and then click Add. Close the Add standalone snap in dialog box. In the AddRemove Snap in dialog box, click OK. Creating the pca. Host. Entry attribute. Follow this procedure to create the pca. Host. Entry attribute. A user that is a member of the Schema Admins must be used. To create the pca. Host. Entry attribute 1 In the left pane, expand the Active Directory schema item. The Classes and Attribute subfolders should now be available. Right click the Attributes folder, and then click Create Attribute. Continue through the resulting warning message. In the Common Name entry field, type pca. Host. Entry. This is case sensitive. In the LDAP Display Name field, type pca. Host. Entry. 5 In the Unique X5. Object ID field, type the following 1. In the syntax list, click Octet string. Select Multi Valued. Click OK. Creating the pca. Host object. Follow this procedure to create the pca. Host object. To create the pca. Host object. 1. In the left pane, right click the Classes folder, and then click Create Class. Continue through the warning message. In the Common Name entry field, type pca. Host. This is case sensitive. In the LDAP Display Name field, type pca. Host. 4 In the Unique X5. Object ID field, type the following 1. In the Parent class field, type Top. In the Class list, click Auxiliary. Click Next. 8 In the Create New Schema Class dialog box, next to the Optional attribute box, click Add. Select the pca. Host. Entry attribute. 1. Click OK. The pca. Host. Entry should appear as an optional attribute. Click Finish. Associating the pca. Host object with the user object class. Follow this procedure to associate the pca. Host object with the user object class. To associate the pca. Host object with the user object class. In the left pane of Console. Class folder. 2 Right click the user object class, and then click Properties. Select the Relationship tab, and then next to the Auxiliary Classes box, click Add Class 4 Select the pca. Host object class. Click OK. 6 Click Apply. Click OK. 8 In the left pane, right click Active Directory Schema. Click Reload the Schema. Setting the rights for the pc. Anywhere user. To set up the rights for the pc. Anywhere user, you must first set up view rights,and then set up edit rights. To set up view rights for the user. NOTE User requirements for MSLDAP authentication. Display name must be configured By default administrator users display name is not configuredUsers must be part of a group or built in object. On the Windows taskbar, click Start Programs Administrative Tools Active Directory Users and Computers. On the View menu, make sure that Advanced Features is selected. This enables the Security tab in the property pages. You can set the following rights at any organizational unit. You should set these rights at the level that contains the pc. Anywhere users. 3 Right click the organizational unit, and then click Properties. On the Security tab, click Add. Type Everyone next to the check names button. Click OK. 8 In the Allow column, On the security tab with everyone selected select Read Only. On the organizational units property page, click Advanced. Select the Everyone group that you just added. Click Edit. 1. 2 On the Object tab, in the Apply onto list, click This object and all child objects. Click OK until you close the Security property page. Setting up edit rights for the user. Follow this procedure to set up edit rights for the user. To set up edit rights for the user. On the organizational units Security tab, click Add. Type Self next to the check names button. Click OK. 4 Click OK. In the Allow column, select Write. Click Advanced. 7 Select the Self group that you just added, and then click Edit. On the Object tab, in the Apply onto list, click Child objects only. Click OK until you close the Security property page. Configuring pc. Anywhere to use directory services. Configuring pc. Anywhere to use directory services involves the following process Set up directory services in pc. Anywhere preferences so that all connection items use the same settings. In Vista, administrator privileges are required to add directory services in pc. Anywhere preferences. A standard user will be prompted for administrator credentials. Set up directory services for a host connection item. Set up directory services for a remote connection item. Setting up directory services in pc. Anywhere. Configure the directory server entries before beginning this procedure. To set up directory services in pc. Anywhere. 1 In the pc. Anywhere Manager window, on the Edit menu, click Preferences. In the pc. Anywhere Options window, on the Directory Services tab, click Add. In the Display Name field, type a name that clearly describes the directory server. In the Directory Server field, type the host name or IP address of the directory server. In the Name field, type the account name specified on the directory server. The name field is not necessarily the user name but rather the display name. In the Password field, type the password that authenticates the account. The password is case sensitive. Click Advanced to configure the port number and the search base of the directory tree. You should always configure this information. The Port number controls the port that the directory server uses to accept queries from the client. The default port is 3. Search Base is the root of the directory structure that begins the query search. Search base for symantec. Click OK. Symantec pc. Anywhere attempts to connect to the directory server and search for the entry specified in the Name field. If multiple entries are found, users must select the one that represents them. Once the entry is identified,pc. Anywhere stores its Distinguished Name in the registry for easy identification, and labels the entry as Verified. Common reasons for failed verification include being disconnected from the network, having incorrect TCPIP configuration settings, using an incorrect user name or password, or not having user information configured on theserver. Setting up the host computer to use directory services. When you set up a host connection to use directory services, pc. Anywhere searches the directory server for the specified common name when you launch the host connection. If it finds a corresponding entry, it updates it with the connection information and current status of the host. Configure Active Directory Windows Server 2003© 2017