WEP cracking is not an exact science. The number of required IVs depends on the WEP key length, and it also depends on your luck. Usually, 40bit WEP 64 bit key can. Standard 64bit WEP uses a 40 bit key also known as WEP40, which is concatenated with a 24bit initialization vector IV to form the RC4 key. How to Break WEP Encryption. Breaking any encryption coding or codes involves knowing a few things. First, you have to know that there is an encryption scheme. Website dedicated to Wireless LAN Security and Wardriving. Includes lots of whitepapers, presentations, tools, firmware, drivers, equipment, and resources. Were constantly telling you that using WEP to secure your wireless network is really a fools game, yet people still do it. Today Id like to show you exactly. Last year, I wrote an article covering popular wireless hacking tools to crack or recover password of wireless network. We added 13 tools in that article which were. Pv0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Wireless Wep Key Crack Download' title='Wireless Wep Key Crack Download' />Wireless security is the prevention of unauthorized access or damage to computers using wireless networks. The most common types of wireless security are Wired. It offers console interface. If you find this tool hard to use, you can try the available online tutorials. Company behind this tool also offers online tutorial to let you learn by yourself. Download http www. Air. Snort. Air. Snort is another popular wireless LAN password cracking tool. It can crack WEP keys of Wi Fi. This tool basically operates by passively monitoring transmissions and then computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered. This tool is freely available for Linux and Windows platform. It is also simple to use. The tool has not been updated for around three years, but it seems that company behind this tool is now interested in further development. This tool is also directly involved in WEP cracking and hence used widely. Download Air. Snort http sourceforge. Kismet. Kismet is another Wi Fi 8. This tool is basically used in Wi Fi troubleshooting. It works fine with any Wi Fi card supporting rfmon mode. It is available for Windows, Linux, OS X and BSD platforms. This tool passively collects packets to identify standard network and also detects the hidden networks. Built on a client server modular architecture, this tool can sniff 8. It is an open source tool and supports recent faster wireless standards. Download Kismet http www. Ethical Hacking Training Resources Info. Sec4. Cain Able. Cain Able is another popular tool used for cracking wireless network passwords. This tool was developed to intercept the network traffic and then use the brute forcing to discover the passwords. This is why this tool helps a lot while finding the password of wireless network by analyzing the routing protocols. This tool can also be used to crack other kind of passwords. It is one of the most popular password cracking tools. This tool is not just for WEP cracking but various other features are also there. It is basically used for Windows password cracking. This is the reason this tool is so popular among users. Download Cain Able http www. Wire. Shark. Wire. Shark is a very popular tool in networking. It is the network protocol analyzer tool which lets you check different things in your office or home network. You can live capture packets and analyze packets to find various things related to network by checking the data at the micro level. This tool is available for Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, Free. BSD and other platforms. If you are thinking to try this tool, I recommend you to first read about networking and protocols. Wire. Shark requires good knowledge of network protocols to analyze the data obtained with the tool. If you do not have good knowledge of that, you may not find this tool interesting. So, try only if you are sure about your protocol knowledge. Wireshark does is one of the most popular tool in networking and this is why it was included in this list in higher position. Download Wireshark https www. Fern Wi. Fi Wireless Cracker. Fern Wi. Fi Wireless Cracker is another nice tool which helps with network security. It lets you see real time network traffic and identify hosts. Basically this tool was developed to find flaws in computer networks and fixes the detected flaws. It is available for Apple, Windows and Linux platforms. WEPWPAWPS keys easily. It can also run other network based attacks on wireless or Ethernet based networks. For cracking WPAWPA2, it uses WPS based on dictionary based attacks. For WEP cracking, it uses Fragmentation, Chop Chop, Caffe Latte, Hirte, ARP Request Replay or WPS attack. This tool is in active development. SO, you can expect timely update with new features. Pro version of the tool is also available which offers much features. Download Fern Wi. Fi Wireless cracker http www. Co. WPAtty. Co. WPAtty is another nice wireless password cracking tool. It is an automated dictionary attack tool for WPA PSK to crack the passwords. It runs on Linux OS and offers a less interesting command line interface to work with. It runs on a word list containing thousands of password to use in the attack. If the password is in the passwords word list, this tool will surely crack the password. But this tool is slow and speed depends on the word list and passwords strength. Another reason for slow process is that the hash uses SHA1 with a seed of SSID. It means the same password will have a different SSIM. So, you cannot simply use the rainbow table against all access points. So, the tool uses the password dictionary and generates the hash for each word contained in the dictionary by using the SSID. This tool is simple to use with available commands. With the newer version of the tool Co. WPAtty tried to improve the speed by using a pre computed hash file to avoid the computation at the time of cracking. This pre computed file contains around 1. SSIDs. But for successful attack, your SSID must be in that list. If your SSID is not in those 1. Still, you can try this tool to see how it works. Download Co. WPAtty http sourceforge. Airjack. Airjack is a Wi Fi 8. It is used to perform DOS attack and MIM attack. This wireless cracking tool is very useful in injecting forged packets and making a network down by denial of service attack. This tool can also be used for a man in the middle attack in the network. This tool is popular and powerful both. Download Air. Jack http sourceforge. Wep. Attack. Wep. Attack is another working open source Linux tool for breaking 8. WEP keys. Like few other tools in the list, this tool also performs an active dictionary attack. It tests millions of words from its dictionary to find the working key for the network. Only a working WLAN card is required to work with Wep. Attack to perform the attack. Limited usability but works awesome on supported WLAN cards. Download Wep. Attack http wepattack. Net. Stumbler. Net. Stumbler is another wireless password cracking tool available only for Windows platform. It helps in finding open wireless access points. This tool is freely available. Basically Net. Stumbler is used for wardriving, verifying network configurations, finding locations with a poor network, detecting unauthorized access points, and more. This tool is not very effective now. Main reason is that last stable release of the tool was back in April 2. So, it does not work with 6. AircrackAireplay ng Under Packet Injection Monitor Mode in Windows. Update 6 2. 7 0. I just found out that the makers of aircrack ng just made this method easier. Two days after I wrote this article, they released a VMWare image of their entire suite of wireless penetration tools. So, instead of downloading and using the generic Back. Track ISO step 1 and 5 head over to Aircrack ng and obtain their version. Update II 6 2. 7 0. I guess packet injection under Windows is feasible after all The same time the VMWare aircrack ng image was released, they also revealed a new USB Wi. Fi adaptor that lets you inject and read packets natively in Windows without the virtualization layer. Whats more, you can use the Wireshark GUI instead of the aircrack ng command line. Personally, I would still go with the Alfa read more below since it has nantenna connector. But thats just me WEP enabled access point within a couple of minutes. That Digg article piqued our curiosity in high school. My friend and I read about how the FBI publicly demonstrated a successful wireless network crack in a minuscule amount of time. Inspired, we obtained a laptop and searched around our neighborhood for WEP encrypted wireless networks. Our plan was to show these local folks how easy it was to acquire their WEP key. Then, we would convince them that we were good, hirable technicians who could upgrade their Wi. Fi WEP encryption scheme to WPA. We spent literally three days practicing, trying to crack our own network with Windows tools. But in the end, our plan never materialized. Why We were too n. Linux. Crippled Windows Users. Ill say it once and Ill say it again, I hate being a Windows user. I hold great respect for computer hackers who are quick to grasp other operating systems, like Linux and OS X, without a problem. But I, having been weaned on Windows since the day I touched a computer, have a hard time operating those unfamiliar user interfaces or lack thereof. I mean, more than half of Linux is in the shell command line Aircrack ng Win. Binary Port. Many users like myself have a hard time integrating with the computer hacker world. Most programs are written for nix operating systems. Only when a kind, talented soul takes pity on us Windows amateurs and ports the code to Win. At the time, that Win. Even today, wireless network penetration software is still in the Linux stage. The main software suite, Aircrack ng, is just barely supported in Windows. When I tried the Windows port, it was slow, it did not accept my drivers, and it crashed numerous times. Basically, the Win. Virtualization Solution. Finally, I decided to just try aircrack ng in Linux. I bought some equipment and ran the Backtrack Live on CD Linux Distribution. After reading up on numerous Linux and aircrack ng documentation, I was finally able to crack my home network While I was writing about hacking the Windows Vista and t mobile free Wireless Internet authentication which is not no longer relevant with VMWare, I had an epiphany. The same technique I used with VMware could also be applied to aircrack ng I tried it out and after a lot of trial and error, I cracked my home network once again. This time it was in WindowsFrequently Asked Questions. So how did I do this Before you begin my tutorial, I suggest you read this FAQ for background information. Why aircrack ng Aircrack ng is the most popular wireless cracking suite. Because of that, it is the most compatible with different types of hardware, it offers more forum support, and it is on the cutting edge of the latest Wi. Fi hacking techniques. What are the main elements in cracking a wireless network Airodump ng Gather special faulty data necessary to crack a network. Aireplay ng Stimulate the base AP station to generate the special data for aireplay ng. Aircrack ng Take the data from airodump ng and, with statistical or brute force dictionary analysis, crack the keyPSK. Why is Windows inherently unable to crack wireless networks Special mostly unavailable patched drivers are required to use these programs. What about the Peek DriverFirst of all, the Peek Driver is special software written by the Wild. Pakets Airo. Peek, sort of a wireless network version of WiresharkEthereal. The bad thing about the Peek Driver is that it only allows you to read packets. Essentially, you can only use airodump ng and aircrack ng. Theoretically, you can crack a wireless network with only these two programs but it is very difficult, drawn out, and plain inefficient. Without the speeding aid of aireplay ng, cracking a wireless network may take days. Aireplay ng helps inject packets and manipulate the wireless network. Why does the Peek Driver not support aireplay ng This is because aireplay ng requires the network card to be in a special state called Monitor Mode. In normal operation, the network interface is in Managed Mode. The Windows NDIS API Network Driver Interface Specification does not support any extensions for wireless monitor mode. Therefore, the only drivers that allow Wi. Fi cards to be in monitor mode are in Linux. Ive heard of Windows tools that support packet injection. I have too. But I also heard that they cost upwards of 3. So then there still is a way to use aireplay ng in Windows with your hack Yes. Basically, you run Backtrack as a virtual machine in VMWare Player. Since VMWare supports passthrough USB, the Backtrack virtual machine can directly access a compatible USB wireless network adapter. Note that my method will only work with a USB adapter since the only passthrough that virtual machine programs support is with the USB interface, not PCI, mini. PCI, PCMCIA, PC Card, Express Card, etc. So, I wont need to know Linux commands and I will be presented with that familiar, friendly user interface that I am accustomed to in Windows Heavens no If you read the answer above, you know you will still be using Linux in Windows. This is just a convenience of not having to switch between reboots. You will still be unable to avoid the obscure Linux shell commands Hardware. Lets just cut to the chase. There is no reason to continue if you dont even own the correct hardware. Im sorry, but there is no workaround for this. Im a frugal person and I tried doing this the frugal way. It just doesnt work. If youre not willing to open your wallet, I would stop reading now. In my research and tests on compatible network adapters, there is only one with the least quirks and the least breakage for this operation. Get the Alfa USB AWUS0. S Network Adaptor with the threaded RP SMA antenna connector. USB Wi. Fi adapters with antenna connections are almost impossible to find. Usually you have to solder and mod the circuitry of another adapter to gain this functionality. Save yourself some trouble and just purchase this one. Now, if you could only find where to buy this elusive piece of equipment. I found mine at Data. Alliance, an onlinee. Bay store managed by a man name George Hardesty. If you know of any other worthy store, please comment at the end of this post. Hardesty supplies most of my wireless networking needs. His inventory is the most cutting edge and cheapest that I have come across. Take a look at his store. It includes one of the most comprehensive resources Ive read on wireless networking. Nevertheless, dont be tempted to purchase the high powered Alfa USB AWUS0. How To Install Adobe Flash Player Ubuntu Terminal Command there. H WLAN Adapter. Ive used it twice It breaks easily and it is noisy.