Thanos was one of the last sons of ALars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan. The Thanos Imperative is a 6issue comic book limited series published in 2010 by Marvel Comics. It was written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, and was bookended by. Thanos um supervilo fictcio que aparece nas histrias em quadrinhos publicadas pela Marvel Comics. O personagem descrito geralmente como um Tit louco. Marvel. com is the source for Marvel comics, digital comics, comic strips, and more featuring Iron Man, SpiderMan, Hulk, XMen and all your favorite superheroes. The Thanos Imperative Paperback' title='The Thanos Imperative Paperback' />The character is most well known for the Infinity Gauntlet story that involved him getting his hands on all six Infinity Stones and completely wiping out the universe with the snap of his fingers. Another famous tale showed Thanos becoming part of the living universe itself Yeah, hes pretty hardcore. Were here to keep a tally on this dastardly villains body count so far. Here are 1. 5 People Thanos Has Killed War Machine and She HulkLove it or hate it, Civil War II was a story that definitely changed the status quo of the Marvel universe. It starts when Captain Marvel and her team of Avengers agree to use the precognitive powers of an Inhuman named Ulysses to head off crimes before they can even happen. Its a controversial decision that is only made more divisive in the aftermath of its first use. Much to Tony Starks disapproval, Captain Marvel uses the Inhumans powers to foresee the return of Thanos to Earth. The Mad Titan as per usual was on a quest to find the cosmic cube. However, all he found were the Avengers waiting to ambush him. The resulting fight showed that the team had no idea what they were up against. Thanos causes War Machines missiles to miss and directly hit She Hulk in the chest, sending her into a comatose state. He then murders War Machine by thrusting his entire fist through the heros stomach. Thanos. Thanos, also known as the Mad Titan, is one of the most powerful, insane and evil of all. The Thanos Imperative Reading OrderWhen the dust clears and the Avengers are finally able to retreat, She Hulk dies in the hospital as a result of her injuries. Draxs Family. Drax the Destroyer has shot up in popularity in the last three years thanks to the smash hit Guardians of the Galaxy. He went from a relative unknown to a lovable badass seemingly overnight. Thankfully, the Guardians films let us see both sides of Drax we get to laugh as he tries to understand human jokes but we also get to see him get drunk and fly into a rage, going up against a literal army of Ronan the Accusers men. He has every reason to have this unbridled rage, as Thanos is the sole reason he was on a quest for revenge in the first place. Though this is not the case in the MCU they completely changed the characters origin, Drax was once a human named Arthur Douglas. While driving along a highway in the desert with his family, Douglas came across Thanos in his spaceship. The Mad Titan, fearing that the family would tell someone of his arrival, attacks their car and kills both Arthur and his wife. The Mentor Thanos father witnessed this event and took in Douglas daughter as his own. He also resurrected Arthur in a new Eternal body with the sole purpose of killing the Mad Titan. In the MCU, Thanos is still behind the death of Draxs family, but Ronan is the one to actually do the deed. The Mentor His FatherBelieve it or not, Thanos didnt just appear out of nowhere, without some sort of origin story. He has a mother an Eternal and a father a Titan who raised the villain throughout his childhood. However, Thanos was born with what they called Deviant Syndrome, a disease that made him mentally unstable and gave him a grotesque appearance. As he grew older and more sinister, he became estranged from his family, with his father, The Mentor, constantly opposing him at every turn. In 2. 01. 6s Thanos comic book, the villain is revealed to be dying from an unknown ailment. Meanwhile, his son and a group of other cosmic entities group up to finish off the Mad Titan once and for all. With his back against the wall and nowhere else to turn, Thanos goes to his father in search of a cure. At first, the Mentor laughs at the idea of helping his evil son and says that hes actually glad hes dying. However, Thanos eventually gets what he wants after threatening to kill everyone his father knows and loves. The Mentor studies Thanos blood and discovers that his body is wasting away at an atomic level he says that a cure would take years to create and that his son only has weeks left to live. Thanos and his father trade verbal barbs before the enraged Titan punches his fist clean through the Mentors body and leaves him to die. Annihilus. Sadly, Annihilus is a villain we wont be seeing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe any time soon. The character is traditionally a Fantastic Four villain and has his film rights housed at Fox alongside the X Men and the F4 themselves. Annihilus is a powerful adversary to Marvels first family, as well as all of the universes cosmic entities. Hes usually depicted as the ruler of the Negative Zone, with a powerful weapon that can manipulate matter at a molecular level using cosmic forces. Though the insect like villain and Thanos have teamed up in the past, they came into direct conflict during the most recent Infinity Trilogy which was written by Jim Starlin, the characters original creator. In the first chapter of this series, the Mad Titan was forced to team up with his greatest adversary, Adam Warlock, for the good of the multiverse. The sequel sees Annihilus attacking the positive universe the 6. This forces the Guardians of the Galaxy, Warlock, and Pip the Troll to seek out the help of Thanos. Though he remains a villain at heart, the Mad Titan aids them in their battle against Annihilus. The final chapter, Infinity Finale, occurs when Annihilus is able to steal the God like power of Adam Warlock and wreak havoc upon the universe. After a hard fought battle, Adam is able to regain his powers and turn Annihilus into a small, harmless insect. Thanos refuses to believe that his adversary is defeated and squishes the bug only to have Warlock scoff, That was completely unnecessary, Titan. Phyla Vell. Phyla Vell is the daughter of the original Captain Marvel. Kind of. The second Captain Marvel once completely destroyed and then rebuilt the universe its a long story. When he reconstructed the 6. Universe, he added into the reality that Mar Vell was the father of two children. Phyla Vell had similar powers to her father she could fly, possessed super human strength, and was able to absorb any sort of energy that was thrown her way. Much like her father, Phyla Vell was known as one of the greatest fighters in the entire galaxy. This made her death at the hands of the Mad Titan all the more powerful. During the characters short time as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the team encountered Magus an evil version of Adam Warlock. Phyla Vell attempted to engage the cosmic entity in combat, but he was able to use his powers to teleport her sword away from her hands and use it to stab her through the chest. However, this was all a ploy by Magus she and the rest of her teammates were alive and well and imprisoned in a secret facility. Thanos Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. Thanos. Outros nomesThanos de TitEspcie. Hbrido Titan EternoDeviantOcupao. Conquistador, Rei de Tit, Adorador da Morte. Afiliaes. Ordem Negra. Secto Niilista. Guarda do Infinito. Defensores. Cabala. Famlia. Kronos av mortoDaina av mortaALars paiSui San me mortaEros irmoUranos tio mortoThena primaSersi primaThane filhoGamora filha adotivaTerra Natal. Lua Tit, Saturno. Criado por. Jim Starlin. Primeira apario. Iron Man 5. Fevereiro de 1. EditorasMarvel Comics. Espcie. Hbrido Titan EternoDeviantTerra natal. Lua Tit, Saturno. Afiliaes. Ordem Negra. Secto Niilista. Guarda do Infinito. Defensores. Cabala. Ocupao. Conquistador, Rei de Tit, Adorador da Morte. Parceria. Senhora Morte. Base de operaes. Santurio, TitParentesco. Kronos av mortoDaina av mortaALars paiSui San me mortaEros irmoUranos tio mortoThena primaSersi primaThane filhoGamora filha adotivaInimigos. Adam Warlock. Mar Vell. Vingadores. Situao presente. Morto. Codinomes conhecidos. O Tit Louco, Avatar da Morte, Queixos. Habilidades. Fora, agilidade, reflexos e velocidade super humanas. Vgor super humano. Manipulao de energia. Projeo de energia. Rajadas de energia tica. Telepatia. Telecinese. Projeo astral. Magia. Maldies. Vo. Intelecto genial. Imortalidade. Fator de cura acelerado. Leve invulnerabilidade. Manipulao molecular. Manipulao de matria. Com a Manopla do Infinito Manipulao da realidade. Manipulao mental. Criao de iluses. Leitura mental. Rajadas psinicas. Manipulao de almas. Absoro de almas. Acesso a todas as almas do universo simultneamente. Manipulao temporal. Viagens no tempo. Manipulao espacial. Teletransporte material e interdimensional. Estar em vrios lugares ao mesmo tempo. Manipulao de energia csmica. Aumento de poder e energia. Absoro e projeo de energia csmica. Thanos um supervilo fictcio que aparece nas histrias em quadrinhos publicadas pela Marvel Comics. O personagem descrito geralmente como um Tit louco, j que apesar de ser poderoso, ele era rejeitado pelos outros por causa de sua aparncia. O personagem apareceu pela primeira vez em Iron Man 5. Jim Starlin. Estreando ainda na Era de Prata, o personagem tem sido destaque em mais de quatro dcadas de continuidade do Universo Marvel e em uma srie de histrias em quadrinhos auto intitulada. Thanos aparece em alguns filmes do Universo Cinematogrfico Marvel com uma participao especial durante as cenas ps crditos de Os Vingadores 2. Josh Brolin interpreta o personagem em Guardies da Galaxia 2. Vingadores Era de Ultron 2. Vingadores Guerra Infinta 2. A lua Tit era governada por Mentor ALars, quando ento reinava paz e tecnologia. Mentor tinha dois filhos Eros e Thanos. O primeiro tinha o poder de estimular os centros de prazer de seres vivos sencientes. O outro, entretanto, era bem mais poderoso e almejava ainda mais. Assim, Thanos se voltou contra seu pai e contra o reino, forando Mentor a procurar seu pai, Kronos. Kronos criou Drax, o Destruidor, para que ele eliminasse Thanos. Mas o Destruidor falhou e se rendeu a Thanos de modo que este conseguiu conquistar o trono de Tit. Em seguida, partiu pela Via Lctea, com o intuito de apoderar se do Cubo Csmico, um objeto que satisfaz quaisquer desejos de seu possuidor. Amando a Senhora Morte mais do que todas as coisas, o vilo planejava destruir o Universo genocdio estelar. Enquanto a primeira batalha de Thanos era travada, um outro ser seguiria sua vida. Anos atrs, cientistas do Enclave tambm conhecidos por Colmia, inimigos do Quarteto Fantstico e que almejavam a dominao do planeta atravs da criao de uma raa de humanos supremos, conseguiram criar um ser de incrvel poder. No entanto, o ser criado se descontrolou e destruiu seus criadores que considerava maus, se fechando logo em seguida num casulo. Sem nome, ele se auto denominaria de Ele, ao ressurgir do casulo e confrontar Thor. Derrotado pelo Deus do Trovo, voltou para o casulo e partiu da Terra, em seguida, sendo encontrado pelo Alto Evolucionrio. Este estava construindo um novo mundo, o qual batizara de Contra Terra. Essa nova Terra, do outro lado do Sol, deveria ser um mundo erradicado do mal e do dio. Entretanto, o homem deus havia criado anos antes um ser que se tornaria totalmente perverso, o chamado Homem Fera. O Homem Fera interveio na criao da Contra Terra, fazendo penetrar a maldade nos coraes humanos e assim, toda a histria da humanidade se repetiu em algumas horas. Assistindo a tudo, Ele se aliou ao Alto Evolucionrio e investiria contra o Homem Fera. Este fugiria para a Contra Terra e Ele iria ao seu encalo, batizado agora pelo nome de Adam Warlock. Warlock, com a joia espiritual dada pelo alto Evolucionrio, perseguiu seu inimigo at encontr lo e aparentemente derrot lo. Todavia, o Homem Fera conseguiria se tornar presidente dos Estados Unidos da Contra Terra, dominando toda uma nao. O Hulk, por acidente, acabaria indo parar na Contra Terra e auxiliaria Warlock no confronto final com o vilo, quando o Homem Fera seria reduzido simples forma de lobo. Depois disso, Adam partiria para o espao, onde viveria algumas aventuras, at se deparar com o maior desafio de sua vida, o vilo chamado Magus. Ele era, na verdade, a contraparte maligna de Warlock, o seu eu do futuro. Todavia, apesar de Magus ser um tirano que conquistara diversos mundos, ele ainda era um campeo da vida. Sendo assim, ele no tardaria a se defrontar com o campeo da morte, Thanos o Tit Thanos e Warlock se uniram para enfrentar Magus, juntamente com Pip o Troll, e Gamora, serva de Thanos e considerada a mulher mais perigosa do Universo. Juntos, eles conseguiram destruir a linha temporal que transformaria Warlock em Magus e o vilo desapareceu. Em seguida, Thanos comeou a tramar seu novo plano partiu em busca das seis Joias do Infinito, a fim de provocar um genocdio estelar e assim, reconquistar o seu amor, a Senhora Morte, que o rejeitara aps sua primeira derrota. Gamora, ao descobrir os planos de seu mestre, investiu contra ele e acabou morta. Warlock a encontrou e recolheu seu esprito para sua Joia do Infinito e em seguida foi ao encontro de Pip, que tambm j estava morto pelas mos do tirano. Adam fez o mesmo com a alma do Troll e partiu para a Terra para alertar os heris. Assim, novamente os Vingadores, a Serpente da Lua e o Capito Marvel se uniram, junto a Warlock, para deter Thanos. O Tit j estava com as joias, exceto a de Warlock, e conseguiu construir uma gema gigante, com o poder de dizimar as estrelas. Aps confrontar o vilo, Warlock acabou morto e os Vingadores, aprisionados. O eu de Warlock que acabara de derrotar Magus surgiu nesse momento, para recolher sua alma derrotada por Thanos para a joia do Infinito. Em seguida, ele volta no tempo para reiniciar o ciclo. Mesmo aprisionada, a Serpente da Lua consegue enviar um chamado teleptico para o Homem Aranha, que se alia ao Coisa e ambos vo atrs de seus companheiros. O Aranha consegue libert los, mas os heris ainda no so preos para o confronto que se segue. Enquanto isso, Mestre Caos e Lorde Ordem, duas entidades csmicas que monitoravam a batalha, induzem o Homem Aranha a libertar Warlock da joia espiritual, para que ele executasse uma ltima misso. O Aranha consegue libertar Adam e esse confronta Thanos definitivamente, o transformando numa esttua de pedra e partindo em seguida. Dragon Ball Z Vs Naruto Mugen. The Thanos Imperative© 2017