You can access it with your Customer. Source or Partner. Source credentials. Verify that you can log on to Lifecycle Services. Purchase an Azure subscription. Dv2d_h5pg/VRdBtZrgqSI/AAAAAAAABLs/-vl9edDxyQ4/s1600/0008.png' alt='Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 Installation And Configuration Guide' title='Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 Installation And Configuration Guide' />To use Azure, you must purchase a subscription. For information about subscription plans and pricing details, see the Azure pricing page. Then follow the instructions on that page to purchase a subscription. The subscription must be large enough to support the AX 2. R3 environment that you want to deploy on Azure. The following table lists the types of AX 2. R3 environments that you can deploy on Azure, and the number of cores required to deploy each environment in its default configuration. Note. Keep in mind that when you deploy an environment, you can change the number and size of the virtual machines that are deployed. However, this table lists the number of cores required to deploy each environment in its default configuration. Environment type Demo. Environment name. Number of cores to deploy the environment in its default configuration. Oceans 12 Music Laser Scene Download For Obs. AX 2. 01. 2 R3 demo. AX 2. 01. 2 R3 CU8 demo. Retail essentials demo. Environment type Devtest. Environment name. Number of cores to deploy the environment in its default configuration. Development. 9 cores. Development with shared SQL Server. Test. 13 cores. Retail essentials devtest. Retail e commerce devtest. Retail mobility devtest. Environment type High availability. Environment name. Number of cores to deploy the environment in its default configuration. High availability environment. If you already have an Azure subscription, note the following To view the size of your subscription You can view the size of your subscription in the Azure management portal. To do so, log on to the Azure management portal, and then click Settings Usage. To increase the size of your subscription To increase the size of your subscription, youll need to create a support ticket with the Azure support team. To do so, go to the Azure support options page, and then click Get Support to create the support ticket. When creating the support ticket, be sure to indicate that the ticket is for billing support. Note. The Cloud Solution Provider CSP program is currently not supported with Lifecycle Services due to the Azure Resource Manager ARM requirement. Purchase and Azure support plan. Azure support plans provide technical and billing support for Azure. The Azure support plans offer flexible support options that will allow you to select the right level of support for your Azure deployment. The support options range from support services included with your Azure subscription at no charge to premier support services. To learn about the available support plans and to purchase a plan, see the Azure support plans page. Become familiar with the Azure management portal. The Azure management portal provides developers and IT professionals the ability to provision, configure, monitor, and manage their Azure components. Its important to become familiar with the management portal because youll use it to Upload a management certificate. The management certificate enables Lifecycle Services to deploy AX 2. R3 environments on Azure on your behalf. Connect to virtual machines. Monitor the health and status of your AX 2. R3 environment. After you purchase an Azure subscription, you can access the management portal by clicking here. The following image shows the management portal. Become familiar with the Azure VM agent. The Azure VM Agent is now automatically deployed with every VM deployed via Lifecycle Services. The Azure VM Agent is used to install, configure, manage and run Azure Virtual Machine Extensions VM Extensions. VM extensions can help you monitor and manage your VMs. When a topology is deployed, the deployment system will inspect the virtual machine VM SKUs that were selected. In order to ensure that Azure deploys these VMs to the proper clusters where the VMs are available, each level of VM SKU must have its own Azure Cloud Service. The VM SKU breakdown is as follows SKUSize. AStandard As A0 A4AMStandard As A5 A7ALStandard As large A8 A1. DStandard Ds all D seriesDSStandard DSs all DS seriesGStandard Gs all G seriesA Cloud Service will be created with the following naming scheme Version Topology Environment. Name SKU GUID Please consider the Cloud Services resource requirements for your deployments and request additional Cloud Services capacity in your Azure Subscription from Azure Support if necessary. Plan for storage accounts. For each project created in Lifecycle Services, one or more distinct storage accounts will be created in the Azure subscription. A storage account is created when you connect your project to your Azure subscription. This storage account is a Locally Redundant Storage LRS account, and is used to house scripts and VHDs which are required for deployments. An additional Premium storage account is created for each project when the first Premium storage enabled topology is deployed from the project. Storage accounts are not shared across Lifecycle Services projects, even if the deployments are to the same Azure subscription. When a Premium storage account is created, it too is created as LRS. For more information about storage, click here. Consider which topologies and the number of environments that will be deployed into the same Lifecycle Services LCS project and Azure Connector. Premium storage account aside, by default there is 1 storage account for each LCS project and Azure Connector. Be aware that Azure storage has limits, specifically 2. IOPS inputoutput operations per second per standard storage account. Combined with 5. 00 IOPS per VHD, that leaves roughly 4. VHDs before throttling occurs. To mitigate this, we recommend that you leverage multiple Azure Connectors andor multiple LCS projects. For example, consider having production environments in one LCS project, and DevTest environments in another. Note. Not all VHDs that LCS deploys will be highly utilized, such as the installation VHD. Plan your SQL Server configuration. Azure Premium Storage delivers high performance, low latency disk support for IO intensive workloads running on Azure virtual machines VMs. With Premium Storage, your applications can have up to 3. TB of storage per VM, achieve 5. IOPS per VM, and have extremely low latencies for read operations. Premium Storage is required for AX 2.