In this article, we will explain you how to install Samba4 for basic file sharing between a Ubuntu systems and Windows machines in a same local network. This tutorial shows how to install Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 16. Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7. I assume that you have already set up a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 16. Ive found numerous installation instructions for Node. Im not a super sys admin but I can get around. I have yum on the system. Similarly to the Windows 10 Creators Update, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update FCU delivers a large number of improvements and features in the Windows. If you are running Ubuntu, Xubuntu or Kubuntu inside virtualbox then install virtualbox guest additions to enable features like shared folders, mouse pointer. Java is the widely used programming language used by billion of application. Generally, every system required Java installed there. You may also need to Install. Installing Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and 2 32bit64bit on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, 3, 2. Red Hat Fedora Core 4, 3, 1, RH 9 on x86 and x8664 AMD64. Although its not a server distro, Ubuntu LTS does feature a five year support cycle. Im currently using Ubuntu 16. LTS to run a dedicated Plex server as well. How to Install JAVA 8 JDK 8u. Ubuntu 1. 7. 1. 01. Linux. Mint 1. 8Java is the widely used programming language used by billion of application. Generally, every system required Java installed there. You may also need to Install Oracle Java 8 on your Linux system. You will require the PPA maintained by Webupd. Team to Install Java 8 on Your Ubuntu and Linux. Configure-Samba-Shared-Directory.png' alt='Install Samba On Fedora 16 System' title='Install Samba On Fedora 16 System' />Mint system. Use this tutorial to install Oracle Java 8 JDK 8u. Ubuntu 1. 7. 1. 0, 1. LTS and Linux. Mint 1. PPA. Step 1 Install JAVA 8 First of all, you need to add webupd. Java PPA repository in your system. After that install, Oracle Java 8 using following a set of commands. Step 2 Verify Installed Java Version After successfully installing Oracle Java using above step verify installed version using the following command. JavaTM SE Runtime Environment build 1. Java Hot. SpotTM 6. Bit Server VM build 2. Step 3 Setup Java Environment Also, install Java configuration package. It seems like below package is already installed with latest operating systems during installation of JAVA packages. But you can still make sure by running below command. Now add the JAVAHOME and JREHOME environment variable in etcenvironment configuration file using following command. EOL. JAVAHOMEusrlibjvmjava 8 oracle. JREHOMEusrlibjvmjava 8 oraclejre. Finally, You have successfully installed Java 8 on your system. In addition if you are looking for Google chrome installation visit Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux. Install Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 1. With Nginx, Maria. DB and PHP7. If you want to know how to install Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 1. LTS with Nginx, Maria. DB and PHP7, you have come to the right place. Word. Press is the most popular content management system CMS under the sun, loved by millions of bloggers and webmasters around the world thanks to its ease of use and thousands of plugins and themes. However, its also cumbersome and sluggish to advanced users who have better web skills than the average bear. Drupal is another game in town. Drupal is faster, more secure and more SEO friendly than Word. Press. If you are tired of Word. Press and dont mind the low number of themes and modules aka plugins available for Drupal, then give Drupal a try. So in this tutorial, I will show you how to install Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 1. LTS Xenial Xerus with Nginx, Maria. DB and PHP7. I assume that you have already set up a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 1. If not so, click the link below to check out my easy to follow guide. Drupal also works with LAMP, but here I show you how to set it up with LEMP. Install Nginx, Maria. DB and PHP7 LEMP Stack on Ubuntu 1. LTSWhen you are finished, come back here and read on. Install Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 1. First, upgrade all your system software to the latest version available in your software repository using the following command sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade. Next, download Drupal from the official website to your Ubuntu 1. You can use wget to do that. The latest stable version is Drupal 8. June 1. 5, 2. 01. When you read this tutorial, there may be a newer version of Drupal available, you can check it at https www. Simply replace 8. Once the download is completed, unpack it using the following command. This will create a drupal 8. Now move all the files in drupal 8. If you followed the previous LEMP tutorial, then your web root will be usrsharenginxhtml. Create a Database and User for Drupal 8. Drupal is a content management system and as such it needs a database to store the content. Run the following command to log into Maria. Install Windows Programs Using Parallels With Bootcamp. DB shell as root. Note that this is the Maria. DB root user, not the root user of Ubuntu system. If you cant log into Maria. DB, then check out how to fix Maria. DB plugin unixsocket is not loaded error. Once you are logged in, create a new database for Drupal 8 using the following command. I name it drupal, you can use whatever name you like. Next, create a new database user on localhost using the following command. Again, I name it drupaluser, you can use whatever name you like. Set a password for the user. Replace your password with your preferred password. Then grant all permission of the new database to the new user grant all privileges on drupal. Flush the privileges table flush privileges Exit Maria. DB Shell exit Configuring Drupal. Change your working directory to the web root cd usrsharenginxhtml. Copy the default settings to a new file sudo cp sitesdefaultdefault. Add write permission to settings. Now we need to change the owner of web root directory to the Nginx user. The nginx user is usually nginx or www data. You can check it in etcnginxnginx. Rorsudo chown www data www data usrsharenginxhtml RCreate a Nginx Config File for Your Drupal Sitesudo nano etcnginxconf. Put the following text into the file. Replace the red colored text with your real domain. Block access to hidden directories. No php is touched for static content. Image styles. location sites. SCRIPTFILENAME documentrootfastcgiscriptname. Save and close this file. Then test Nginx configurations and reload Nginx. Finish the Drupal installation in Your Browser. Make sure that your domain name is pointed to your Ubuntu 1. DNS. Then in your browser address bar, typeyour domain. Replace your domain. You will see the Drupal installation wizard, also know as Drupal installer. Follow the instructions to finish the Drupal 8 installation. If you cant see the installation wizard, thats probably because some PHP extensions such as php curl, php mbstring, php gd are not enabled on your server. You can enable them with the following command sudo apt install php curl php mbstring php gd. Now lets go through the steps. Choose language. The language you choose in the first step will be the language of Drupal structure and the Drupal backend. You can, however, write content in other languages. If you want to build a multilingual site with Drupal, the settings can be configured later on. For this tutorial, we choose English so that the administrator interface is in English. Choose Profile. Step 2 is to choose an installation profile. If you are installing plain Drupal core, ie, not Drupal distributions, then you options will be standard and minimal. You want to choose standard if you are a Drupal beginner. You only want to choose minimal if you really are an advanced Drupal user who like to heavily customize the site that is going to be built. Verify Requirement. If you followed this tutorial step by step, the requirement should be verified successfully and you dont have to do anything in this step. Set up database. This step is to connect to the Maria. DB database. So enter the database, database user and password you created earlier. Click Save and continue button, it will begin installing 4. If you choose minimal profile, then a lot of core modules will not be installed. Configure Site. This is the last step. In the site information section, enter your preferred site name and site email address. The site email address is for automated emails to be sent to site users or site visitors for registration, password recovery or other stuff. Its used to identify your site. You dont want to enter your personal email address such as email protected Instead, enter an email address such as email protectedThe site maintenance account is user 1 in a Drupal site. Its like the root user on Linux who can do anything in the system including harmful things to the system. It is not best practice to use this site maintenance account to do normal stuff in a Drupal site. Choose a username other than admin or webmaster. These two username can be easily guessed. The email address is used when you forget the password of user 1. So enter an email address different from the site email address. Then select a default country and default time zone. The email notifications will be sent to the email address of user 1. Remember that all of the above settings can be changed later on. Finally, click Save and continue. You will be taken to the home page of your Drupal site. Congrats You have successfully installed Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 1. Drupal site Comments, questions or suggestions are always welcome. If you found this post useful, please share it with your friends on social media Stay tuned for more Linux tutorials. Rate this tutorialTotal 8 Average 4.