The install instructions are essentially the same. Citrix License Server Version. Make sure the Citrix Licensing server is 1. Upgrade. If you are upgrading from an older version of Provisioning Services, do the following In place upgrade the Citrix License Server. In place upgrade the Provisioning Services Console. Re register the Citrix. PVS. snapin. dll snap in. C WindowsMicrosoft. NETFramework. 64v. Install. Util. exe c program filescitrixprovisioning services consoleCitrix. PVS. snapin. dllIn place upgrade the Provisioning Services Server. If you have two or more Pv. S servers, upgrade one, and then the other. If High Availability is configured correctly, then the Target Devices should move to a different Pv. S Server while a Pv. S server is being upgraded. After the first Pv. S server is upgraded, run the Configuration Wizard. You can generally just click Next through the wizard. At the end, youll be prompted to upgrade the database. Then upgrade the remaining Pv. S servers, and run the Config Wizard on each of them too. Upgrade the Target Device Software inside each v. Disk. Dont do this until the Pv. S servers are upgraded Target Device Software must be same version or older than the Pv. S Servers. If your Target Devices are 7. Maintenance version, boot an Updater Target Device, and in place upgrade the Target Device Software. If your Target Devices are older, then you must reverse image. Disk Storage. Do the following on both Pv. S Servers. The v. Disks will be stored locally on both servers. You must synchronize the files on the two servers either manually e. Robocopy, or automatically e. DFS Replication. Create D Drive. In the v. Sphere Web Client, edit the settings for each of the Provisioning Services server virtual machines. On the bottom, use the drop down list to select New Hard Disk, and click Add. Expand the New Hard disk by clicking the arrow next to it. Change the disk size to 5. GB or higher. It needs to be large enough to store the v. Disks. Each full v. Disk is 4. 0 GB plus a chain of snapshots. Additional space is needed to merge the chain. Feel free to select Thin provision, if desired. Click OK when done. Login to the session host. Right click the Start Button, and click Disk Management. In the Action menu, click Rescan Disks. On the bottom right, right click the CD ROM partition, and click Change Drive Letters and Paths. Click Change. Change the drive letter to E, and click OK. Click Yes when asked to continue. Right click Disk 1 and click Online. Right click Disk 1 and click Initialize Disk. Click OK to initialize the disk. Right click the Unallocated space, and click New Simple Volume. In the Welcome to the New Simple Volume Wizard page, click Next. In the Specify Volume Size page, click Next. In the Assign Drive Letter or Path page, select D and click Next. In the Format Partition page, change the Volume label to v. Disks and click Next. In the Completing the New Simple Volume Wizard page, click Finish. If you see a pop up asking you to format the disk, click Cancel since Disk Management is already doing that. Disk Folders. On the new D partition, create one folder per Delivery Group. For example, create one called Win. Common, and create another folder called Win. SAP. Each v. Disk is composed of several files, so its best to place each v. Disk in a separate folder. Each Delivery Group is usually a different v. Disk. Robocopy Script. Here is a sample robocopy statement to copy v. Disk files from one Provisioning Services server to another. It excludes. lok files and excludes the Write. Cache folders. REM Robocopy from PVS0. PVS0. 2. REM Deletes files from other server if not present on local server. Robocopy D v. Disks pvs. Disks. vhd vhdx Write. Cache xo. Citrix Blog Post v. Disk Replicator Tool has a Power. Shell script with a GUI that can replicate v. Disks between Pv. S Sites and between Pv. S Farms. Version 2. Github supports Intra site replication. Service Account. Provisioning Services should run as a domain account that is in the local administrators group on both Provisioning Services servers. This is required for KMS Licensing. From Considerations Provisioning Services for Personal v. Disk at Citrix Docs The Provisioning Services Soap Service account must be added to the Administrator node of Citrix Studio and must have the Machine Administrator or higher role. This ensures that the Pv. D desktops are put into the Preparing state when the Provisioning Services PVS v. Disk is promoted to production. NET Framework 3. 5 SP1 4. R2 Only. Provisioning Server on Windows Server 2. R2 requires. NET Framework 3. SP1 to be installed prior to installing Provisioning Server. On each Provisioning Server, in Server Manager, right click Features and click Add Features. In the Select Features page, check the box next to. NET Framework 3. 5. Next. In the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install. In the Installation Results page, click Close. NET Framework 4. 0 has bug. Upgrade to 4. 5. More information at All the target devices are not selected when using shift select within the PVS console to select a number of target devices. NET Framework 4. 5. Windows Update or you can download it from Microsoft. Provisioning Services Console 7. The installation and administration of Provisioning Services 7. If you want to automate the installation and configuration of Provisioning Services, see Dennis Span Citrix Provisioning Server unattended installation. Dennis Smith at Citrix Provisioning Services automatedunattended installation guide also details how to script the installation and configuration of Microsoft DHCP Server. To manually install Provisioning Services Console, or in place upgrade to Provisioning Services Console 7. Go to the downloaded Provisioning Services 7. Console folder run PVSConsolex. If you are running Xen. AppXen. Desktop 7. LTSR, then youll want Provisioning Services 7. Provisioning Services 7. The install instructions are essentially the same. Click Install. In the Welcome to the Install. Shield Wizard for Citrix Provisioning Services Console x. Next. In the License Agreement page, select I accept the terms, and click Next. In the Customer Information page, click Next. In the Destination Folder page, click Next. In the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install. In the Install. Shield Wizard Completed page, click Finish. Provisioning Server 7. Server Install. The installation and administration of Provisioning Services 7. You can in place upgrade to Provisioning Services Server 7. The Servers must be upgraded before the v. Disks are upgraded. While upgrading one Provisioning Services Server, all Target Devices are moved to the other Provisioning Services Server. To install Provisioning Services server If v. Sphere, make sure the Provisioning Services server virtual machine Network Adapter Type is VMXNET 3. Go to the downloaded Provisioning Services 7. Server folder, run PVSServerx. If you are running Xen. Powershell to Install RSAT Features in Windows Server 2. R2. I am setting up a couple of 2. R2 RDS servers in a small RDS farm of 2. I could do with powershell. These RDS servers are for system administrators to manager the environment from. This saves them installing all this stuff on their PCI tried an add feature RSAT first, but all it did was install the RSAT tools for roles that were already installed on the server, what I actually wanted was ALL the RSAT tools, so that clusters DCs, ADCS, Bitlocker etc, could all be managed from the one location. This script installs all the RSAT Features apart from RSAT NIS, which is deprecated. HTTP Britv. 8. Install all the RSAT Features apart from RSAT NIS, which is deprecated. Get a list of features and order them by name. Windows Vista Sp2 X86 Msdn Academic Alliance. Listof. Features Get Windows. Feature Sort Object Property name. Foreach feature, check if it starts with RSAT and install it. IF it is RSAT NIS, dont install it, as it is a deprecated feature. RSATFeature in Listof. Features. if RSATFeature. RSAT NIS. write host Dont install RSATFeature. RSATFeature. name like RSAT. Installing RSATFeature. Add Windows. Feature RSATFeature. Dont install RSATFeature. These ones are not prfixed with RSAT, but are part of the tools, so install them anyhow. Add Windows. Feature RDS Licensing UI. Add Windows. Feature WDS Admin. Pack. Add Windows. Feature IPAM Client Feature.