Az iOS korbban iPhone OS az Apple Inc. Apple sajt termkeire, az iPhone, iPod touch s iPad. Want WhatsApp for iPad, iPad mini and iPod on iOS 8. Here is how to download, install WhatsApp iPad and iPod touch version on your device. Find every tweak released on Cydia for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and also see if your favourite Cydia tweaks are compatible with iOS firmware versions. If you are looking to download pangu, here is the tutorial for pangu download on your iOS device with detailed jailbreak tutorial on both Mac and Windows OS for. Thank you for stopping by. Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision. You can also use it to watch TV channels thanks to addons. There are two methods to install Kodi No Jailbreak method You will need to use Cydia Impactor. Phone, i. Pod touch s i. Pad kszlkekre fejlesztenek. Mint ahogyan a Mac OS X amelybl szrmaztattk, a Darwin alapokat hasznlja. Az i. OS ngy f rtegbl tevdik ssze Core OS, Core Services, Media s Cocoa Touch. A teljes opercis rendszer alig 2. MB helyet foglalt a kszlk adathordozjn, ez azta tbbszrsre hzott az j funkciknak ksznheten. Az opercis rendszernek nem volt neve, amg az els i. Phone SDK meg nem jelent 2. Korbban az Apple csak annyit rult el, hogy az i. Phone OS X et hasznl. Az i n a cg szoksos szemlyes nvmsa, az OS pedig az operating system, vagyis az opercis rendszer rvidtse. Phone ra. 2 Az App Store bl val letltsek szma meghaladta az 1 millirdot. App Store bl, s a letltsek szma meghaladta a 2. Legjabb fvltozatnak, az i. OS 1. 1 nek a nyilvnos kiadsa 2. Legfrissebb vltozata az i. OS 1. 1. 1, amely 2. Az i. Phone OS felhasznli fellete a multi touch technolgira alapul direkt manipulcira alapul. Ez azt jelenti, hogy minden objektumot, mint a vals vilgban, kzzel mozgatunk, manipullunk. A felhasznli felletben kapcsolk, gombok, csszkk vannak. A felhasznl mozdulatai termszetes interfszt biztostanak. A kszlknek bels gravitcis gyorsulsmrje van, amely az X, Y s Z koordintk irnyban a gravitcis gyorsulst mri. Mikor a kszlket bekapcsoljk, egy indul kperny jelentkezik be amit a Springboard nev modul rajzol ki ikonokkal s egy dock a kperny aljn. A kperny fels rszn a fontosabb informcik lthatk pontos id, akkumultor tltttsge, jelerssg telefonhlzat s Wi Fi trer. A kperny tbbi rsze szabadon hasznlhat az alkalmazsok ltal. Nincs meg a kilps koncepcija, ehelyett vagy megvrjuk, hogy az alkalmazs magtl befejezdjn, vagy megnyomjuk a home gombot, ami befejezi az alkalmazst. Multitask az i. OS 4 ig csak az i. Phone bels processzeinek megengedett, a felhasznlk alkalmazsai nem futhatnak a httrben. Azonban tbb szlas alkalmazsok futhatnak. Az i. OS 4. 0 tl kezdve ugyanakkor az alkalmazsok adott API k hasznlatval egyes folyamataikat futtathatjk a httrben is. Az i. Phone s i. Pod Touch f processzora egy ARM processzor, ellenttben a Macintosh Intel vagy Power. PC architektrjval. D grafikhoz Open. GL ES t hasznl6 amelyet a Power VRvideokrtya7 biztost. A Mac OS X alkalmazsok nem msolhatak r egyenesen az i. Phone ra mg akkor sem, ha Cocoa alapak, hanem specifikusan i. Phone ra kell ket trni s lefordtani ehhez az Xcode fejlesztcsomagot hasznljuk. Az i. Phone on fut Safari bngsz webalkalmazsok futtatsra is alkalmas. Fggetlen fejlesztk az App Store on keresztl rtkesthetik az alkalmazsaikat. A 1. 0. 0 s verziban a kvetkez alkalmazsok vannak teleptve zenetek SMS klds fogads, Naptr, Fotk, Kamera, Face. Time, Rszvnyek, Trkpek, Idjrs, ra, Szmolgp, Hangjegyzetek, Jegyzetek, Belltsok, i. Tunes, App Store, Kontaktok, Game Center, Emlkeztetk, Wallet, Videk, Egszsg, Tippek, i. Books, Irnyt, Podcastok, Watch, i. Cloud Drive elrejthet, Otthon, Hrek egyelre csak az USA, az Egyeslt Kirlysg s Ausztrlia esetn rhet el, Keress Find my i. Phone. Ngy msik app a lnyegi funkcionalitst adja a kszlknek Safari bngsz, Mail, Telefon funkci s a Zene. Az i. OS rszt kpez beptett alkalmazsok az i. OS 1. 0 ta trlhetek, nhny kivtellel, ezek a Telefon, Safari, zenetek, Fotk, Kamera, ra, Wallet, App Store, Egszsg, Belltsok, Tevkenysg, Keress Find my i. Phone. Az gy letrlt appok ksbb az App Store bl, a Frisstsek fl alatt a Vsrlsok all tlthetk le ismt. Az i. Phone s i. Pod touch kzti klnbsg csak annyi, hogy az i. Pod touch esetn hinyzik a telefon, SMSMMS funkcionalits. Apple a WWDC n bejelentette, hogy az i. Phone s i. Pod touch a Safari bngszben webalkalmazsok futtatst is lehetv teszi, mint pldul az AJAX. Feltrt i. Phone os alkalmazsokszerkesztsHivatalosan az i. Phone ra s i. Pod touch ra csak az App Store alkalmazssal vagy az i. Tunes szal lehet letlteni s telepteni alkalmazsokat. Azonban az 1. 0 s vltozattl kezdve lteznek mdszerek, amelyekkel ez a vdelem feltrhet, majd az Installer s Cydia szoftverekkel az Apple ltal nem engedlyezett alkalmazsok vagy kiegsztk telepthetek. A feltrt alkalmazsok a jailbreak utn kzvetlenl mg nem telepthetek, ugyanis ezt nmagban a jailbreak nem teszi lehetv. Az eredetileg az App Store bl szrmaz, feltrt alkalmazsok teleptshez kln kiegszt App. Sync szksges, a Cydia vagy azeltt az Installer ezt a kiegsztt is fel tudja telepteni. Ugyanakkor az ezt a kiegsztt tartalmaz forrs sem rsze az alaprtelmezetteknek, gy azt is kln hozz kell adni eltte. A jailbreaket sokan rendszeresen s kvetkezetesen sszemossk a trt alkalmazsok teleptsvel, noha a legjabb mdszerek esetn a trt alkalmazsok mr jailbreak nlkl is telepthetek. Az Apple folyamatosan ad ki frisstseket az i. OS alap eszkzeire. A frisstsek trtnelme i. OS verziBuild szm. Kiads dtuma. Legfbb jdonsgok. Kompatibilis eszkzk. B9. 32. 01. 7. oktber 3. Ez a frissts tbb mint 7. Phone 5s, i. Phone 6, i. Phone 6 Plus, i. Phone 6s, i. Phone 6s Plus, i. Phone SE, i. Phone 7, i. Phone 7 Plus, i. Phone 8, i. Phone 8 Plus, i. Phone X, i. Pod Touch 6. gen, i. Pad Pro mindkt tpus, i. Pad 9,7, i. Pad Air 1. Pad mini 2., 3. s 4. A4. 32. 20. 17. oktber 1. Ez a frissts a hang s a haptikus visszajelzs problmjt javtja i. Phone 7 s 7 Plus eszkzn, illetve az rintsrzkels hibjt az olyan i. Phone 6s ek esetn, amelyek nem eredeti Apple alkatrszekkel lettek javtva. Phone 5s, i. Phone 6, i. Phone 6 Plus, i. Phone 6s, i. Phone 6s Plus, i. Phone SE, i. Phone 7, i. Pad 9,7, i. Pad Air 1. Pad mini 2., 3. s 4. A4. 21. 20. 17. oktber 3. Ez a frissts hibajavtsokat tartalmaz, kztk az i. Phone 8 s 8 Plus esetn tapasztalhat recseg hvsokat eredmnyez hiba megoldst. Phone 5s, i. Phone 6, i. Phone 6 Plus, i. Phone 6s, i. Phone 6s Plus, i. Phone SE, i. Phone 7, i. Phone 7 Plus, i. Phone 8, i. Phone 8 Plus, i. Pod Touch 6. Pad Pro mindkt tpus, i. Pad 9,7, i. Pad Air 1. Pad mini 2., 3. s 4. A4. 02, 1. 5A4. 03. Ez a frissts hibajavtsokat tartalmaz, amik tbbek kztt az Exchange szerverekkel kapcsolatban okoztak gondot. Phone 5s, i. Phone 6, i. Phone 6 Plus, i. Phone 6s, i. Phone 6s Plus, i. Phone SE, i. Phone 7, i. Phone 7 Plus, i. Phone 8, i. Phone 8 Plus, i. Pod Touch 6. Pad Pro mindkt tpus, i. Pad 9,7, i. Pad Air 1. Pad mini 2., 3. s 4. A3. 72. 20. 17. szeptember 1. Megjult zenetek app mostantl a matrickat, emojikat s jtkokat sokkal gyorsabban oszthatjuk meg a bartainkkal. Apple Pay esetn kt szemly kztti fizets, amivel egymsnak kldhetnk kzvetlenl pnzt, mint pldul a We. Chat esetn. Megjult Siri j ni s frfi hang rkezett, ami immr gpi tanuls machine learning segtsgvel sokkal emberibb beszdhangot eredmnyez, ezen fell funkcikban is okosabb vlik, kpes fordtani angolrl francia, kna, nmet, olasz, spanyol nyelvekre. Megjult Kamera elrhetv vlt a HEVCH. HEIF rkezett, ami szintn 2x jobb tmrtst eredmnyez. Jailbreak Cydia Tweak List And Compatibility List. The main reason why I jailbreak my i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch is to make them stand out from the crowd And to do this I use tweaks that are available from Cydia Installer. So if you are looking for a specific Cydiajailbreak tweak, utility, application for the i. Phone, i. Pod Touch, i. Pad then you have come to the right place Here you will find a list of all the tweaks, utilities, applications and more that have been released in Cydia over the years. Cydia Tweaks Compatible With i. OS Firmware Versionsi. Jailbreaks Other Tweak Compilations. Siri Spire Tweaks How Tos. Create A Tweak Or Application. Downgrade A Tweak Or Package. Backup Tweaks And Applications. Fix Cydia And ApplicationsTweak Errors. Cant Find A TweakInstall Cracked Applications. G Unrestrictor 5 Perform Wi. Fi Only Functions Over 3. G Network. 3DBoard Glasses Free 3. D Spring. Board Icons. Switcher 6 Icons In App Switcher. AActivator Brings Smart App Launching To i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch. App. Addict Cracked i. OS And Mac App Store Applications How To InstallAuxo. Auxo 2. Auxo 3. Alphacon Adjust Spring. Board Icon Transparency. Action. Notifier Alerts You Of Various i. OS Actions With Banner Notifications. Aloud Add Voice Alerts To All Notifications. Androis Get Android Lollipop Experience On i. OSAFVideo Enable Video Autofocus. Anti Theft Alarms For Motion Detector, PocketBag Detector, And Power Detector. Auki Cydias Best Quick Reply Tweak. Appfront Combines Skype, Whats. App And Viber Into One Application. Any. Voice Brings Over 3. Different Accents To Siri For FREEAccelerate Speeds Up Animations On i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch. Apex Great Alternative To Folders In i. OSApex 2 Allows To Group Applications. Appellancy Unlock Using Facial Recognition On i. OS 7. Android. Lock Android Like Lockscreen. All i. Phone Theme. All i. Phone SBSettings. Auto Shutdown A Shutdown Timera. Downloader Download Manager For i. Phone, i. Pod Touch. Alarm. Display Pro Extend The Stock Alarm Clock Functionality. Alarm. Display Add A Badge To Clock. Air Hockey Extreme All In 1 Joke Box. Action. Menu Auto. G Extend Your i. Phone Battery Life. Auto. 3G SBSettings Toggle. App Switcher Volume Display Volume Controls in the Now Playing Bar. Ask. To. Call Simple Tweak That Asks Before Calling Contact. App. Slide Turns Your Apps Into Popups. Air. Plane. Icon Add A Homescreen Icon To Toggle OnOff Airplane Mode. Angry Poo Game Angry Birds Clone GameApp. Radio Extensions Add Push Notifications And Home Buttons To App. Radio Ready Apps. Attachment Savera. Cy. Dev. Ask. To. Send Confim Before Sending A Text MessageEmail. App Switcher Rotator Enhance Switcher Icons To Follow Orientation. Android. Loader View All Applications In One Place, Android style. App Switcher Brightness Dynamically Adjust Screen Brightness. Assistant. Extensions Make Siri Almost Do Anything. Apt. Backup Backup And Restore Cydia Apps And Tweaks. App Switcher Ringer Volume Adjustment For i. J River Media Center License Crack. Phone. Any. Lock. App Change Lockscreen Camera Icon Shortcut To An App Of Your Choice. Alert. Script Alert Based Terminal Window. Air. Music Stream Tunes To PS3, Xbox And PCAny. Ring Set Any Song As RingtoneSMS Alert. Bbite. SMSBarrel Add A Cube Transition Effect To Spring. Board Pages On i. OSBack. Board Makes Switching Between ThemesIcon Layouts A Breeze Brightness. Fix For i. OS 6 Fix Low Brightness Level After A Respring. Back. Liter Control Your i. Phone Backlight Levels. BTC Mouse Trackpad Extend i. OS Native Bluetooth Stack. Bridge Ditch i. Tunes And Your PCBadger View Notifications Right From Your Homescreen VIDEOBadge. Remover Say Goodbye To Spring. Board Notification Badges. Battery. Logger Log Battery Information On Every Charge. Photo. Buzz Free Flick. R Picasa Public Web Album Explorer. BTstack Mouse Control i. Pad Via Bluetooth Mouse. Bingo. Bubble POPBaby Names Gen. Blesk. Badge. Clear Clear Pesky Notification Badges. Black Keyboard Gives You A Change Of Scenery. Bee. Keyboard Add Keyboard Shortcuts, Navigation, And More To The i. Pad. Boover Direct Control Over Spring. Board Badge Positioning And Size. Badge. Remover Say Goodbye To Spring. Board Notification Badges. Bridge Ditch i. Tunes And Your PCBragi Bring New Music Controls To CC And Reachability. Browser Changer Change Your Default Browser. Beautifolders Automatic Folder Themes Based On Folders Names. CCovert Allow Private Safari Browsing. Circuitous i. OS Backgrounder Switcher For i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch. Clever. Pin Make i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch Ask For A Passcode Intelligently. Call. Tell Verbally Announce Who Is Calling. Call. Tell SBSettings Toggle. Cyntact Display Profile Pictures In The Contacts Lists. Color. Flow Colorize The Lockscreen And Music App. Custom. LS Customize Your i. OS 7 Lock Screen. Cloud. Lover Access i. Cloud Tabs Quicker Than Ever. Cyntact Display Profile Pictures In The Contact Lists. Crazy Call Change Your Voice And Caller ID On i. Phone. Camera Preview Disabler Disable The Preview Box In Camera App. Categories. SB Put Apps In Folders. Covert Allow Private Safari Browsing With ToggleCy. Delete Delete Cydia Applications Straight From i. Phone, i. Pod Touch, i. Pad Homescreen. Conways Game Of Life. Chronic. TV FREE Popular TV Shows How ToCicero Customized Search For Mobile. Safari. Change Password Anywhere Change Your Password With An Activator Gesture. Caffeine Disables Auto. Lock On i. Phone, i. Pod Touch and i. Pad. Custom Lock Replace Lockscreen Clock View Text And Colour. Charlie Sheen Winning Pong GameCustom Double Space Custom Space Key Text Upon Double Tap. Chat. Pic Allow Contact Photos Next to SMS Messages. Compass For Maps Display Compass In The Maps. Chit. Chat Talk To People Around The World For Free. Custom Siri Background Customize Siris Background To Your Liking. Coordinates For Maps Shows GPS Coordinates On The i. Phones Built In Maps App. Custom. Badges Apply Custom Badges To i. OS Device. Call. Lock Lock i. Phone Homescreen Upon An Incoming Outgoing Call. Call. Tell Verbally Announces Whos Calling. DDashboard X Display. Out TV Display Out i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod Touch. Doodle Message Compose And Send Drawings Through The Messages App, Bite. SMS And Whats. App Messenger. Data Blocker Disable GPRSEDGE3. G Connection. Dashboard Inspired By Apples Dashboard Application For Mac. Disable Multitasking Disable Multitasking On i. Phone Via Winter. Board Activation. Disable Voice Control i. Phone 3. GS 3. 1. Dream. Board Say Hello To Winter. Board Cydia App First Rival. Direct Control Go Directly To i. Pod Controls In Multitasking Dock. Display Recorder Record i. Phone And i. Pod Touch Screen. Draw Draw, Doodle, Sketch Images On i. Phone, i. Pod Touch, i. Pad. Double. Tap. To. Open Open An App By Double Tapping On It VIDEODismiss. My. Keyboard Hide Keyboard Gesture To i. Phone, i. Pod Touchdiv. By. Zero Destroy The World When You Divide By Zero On i. Phone Calculator. Double. Tap. To. Open Open An App By Double Tapping On It. Device. Speed Test The Speed Of Your i. OS Device. Dialer Shield Prevent Accidental Keypresses. Dlssid Recover DLink Wireless Router Password. EEclair Hide Open Apps When Locking i. Phone. Extreme. Wi. Fi Instantly Find Free Wi. Fi Hotspots In Your Area. Emoji. Enabler. Emoji Togglee. Wi. Fi Scan For Free or Secured Wi.