Impala SS Frequently Asked Questions List. The Impala SS Frequently Asked Questions List. The. frequently asked questions list serves as a central clearinghouse of information. Impala. The FAQ is an active thing. FAQ grows. Thanks to all of the contributors to the list For daily and more up to date information, join the Impala SS mailing. Ask. Doom technical. Q Any aftermarket air intake upgrades available A Arizona Speed and Marine makes a nice system. All chrome plated. Includes one mandrel bent elbow, a 1. Do I Need A Tune After Installing Headers On 66' title='Do I Need A Tune After Installing Headers On 66' />MAF to the intake, a new bracket for mounting the PCM and that goes through. K N filter. The kit is all high quality, and. Air cleaner ends up between the front fender and the left inner splash. Gets rid of ugly black plastic crap except the large triangle, he. Vette engine dress for that. AS M claims. The K N cone filter ends up underneath the. This is where the cold air comes from. Note. that you have to drill a 3. The PCM is relocated to a new mounting area on the fenderwell. There. are some clearance problems with the K N hitting the fenderwell splash. K N so that it will fit. Basic Installation Procedure Besides a few common tools, what is really required is the patience to do it right. Sanderson Headers are built by hand in the USA with. Detailed information on the P0420 dtc trouble code. Includes why it happens and how to fix your car. Provided by hbody. Last Updated. First posted. Windows 7 Ultimate Crack Activation 2012 Best. Updates since are in green. Updates since are in red. Before and after runs showed a. Evergreen Performance recently. AS M kit. The main differences. Do I Need A Tune After Installing Headers On 66' title='Do I Need A Tune After Installing Headers On 66' />Also, the air filter is angled so that the fit. AS M and Callaway kits are remedied. As an. added bonus, it is only about 2. NAISSO members 3. There is also a system available from Callaway, known as the Honker. It. is a cold air system. You remove the old filter box and all resonators. Theres a big cavity below this hole that. The fit problem. is that the hole and tube that passed through it ends up being too far aft to. It can be forced, though. The unit is 2. 95 PN C9. Callaway Cars Phone 2. High Street, Old Lyme, CT. Illusions Motorsports has recently announced their cowl induction hood for. Impala. It offers true cold air induction from the high pressure cowl area. The intake itself is polished stainless steel with a custom built airbox and. K N filter. The hood is a one piece fiberglass unit with a decent sized. The hood goes for 6. The order. line is 1 8. Several other companies are now getting into the fray, such as Hennessey. K N on the end of the MAF. Normally, for the money, you get a better. Higher priced units are metal where the cheaper ones are. No real performance differences between them, unless you get one that. Random Technology has also recently introduced a ram air system that mounts. The lower part of the system spoiler, ram. Everything goes together. The filter box bolts right to the cooling fan supports using already. The air filter box looks a little cheap not the nice ABS. There are several points where the plastic duct is stretched. A piece of bent. stainless or aluminum pipe would replace most of the duct hose and mate to a. WS6 TA duct to the throttle body nicely, though. You MUST use the K N. The factory filter will not work. ESP Motorsports, a longtime friend of. NAISSO and the Impala in general, has a nice system. Instead of the traditional. Camaro 1. LE elbow or plugged Impala elbow, ESP takes a unique approach. They. supply a Corvette Throttle Body Adapter, which does not turn as the elbow does. This piece eliminates the Home Plate baffle. It includes a MAT. Next comes a mandrel. This part connects to the throtle body adapter. MAF sensor. It has a wrinkle finsh. This piece. eliminates the 1st basepitchers mound baffle. At the far end of this is a. MAF. sensor. On the other side of the MAF, a 9 K N cone filter is attached. K N filter for the AIR. This piece does not poke through the LH fender it sits where the. Also worthy to note is the folks at ESP are wonderful to. The folks at SLP have also come up with a nice system. It is basically like. K N filters on the. The members of the Impala list have devised several inexpensive and very. For a maximum of 5. This method has been dyno tested to provide about 1. Note that GM manufactures as mass air extension cable that you can use with. Part Number for Pontiac WS6 MAF extension is GM 1. Several people have asked about the effectiveness of removing the honeycomb. MAF sensor. This screen is there to straighten airflow. MAF so that it will provide consistent, truer readings. Removing it may. result in a bit of a performance increase due to A the lower restriction in the. B the different reading that the MAF is getting helps to. AF ratio problem. Taking it out may cause a rough. MAF sensor is accidentally damaged, it is an. Also, you may have problems with emissions as the. MAF arrangement would be invalidated. It would. probably be a more significant increase on a supercharged car that needs all of. Q Will an aftermarket air foil increase performance A Maybe, but not nearly as much as they advertise. At their absolute best. HP gain, but possibly none. Its one of the it cant hurt. There are really no. Its. purpose is to smooth and direct the air into the throttle body, which presents a. The airfoil splits and directs it to the twin. Q During the 1 2 shift, theres a nasty squeal that comes from the engine. I think its the belt. What can I do. A This is a fairly common problem with LT1s making a lot of HP or even. LT1s. Remove the old belt by using a box end wrench to loosen the. Helms manual. You dont actually loosen anything, the pulley is spring loaded. Then clean each of the pulleys using. Make sure you dont use something that will. Cotton swabs or a toothbrush work well for getting in the. Next, you might want to use some fine grit sandpaper. Reclean with the brake parts cleaner to remove any sanding gunk. Next, install a brand new belt, routing it in the same manner as the. A couple shots of belt dressing will finish the job. When. cleaning, make sure you do the power steering pump well that seems to be where. Q Ive heard that the camshaft on the Impala was toned down. Is that true A Heres the specs Valve Lift Valve Lift Valve Lift. Lobe Lift 1. 5 Rocker 1. Rocker 1. 7 Rocker. Application Int. Exh. Int. Exh. Int. Exh. Int. Exh. BD car LT1 0. BD car LT1 0. 2. FY car LT1 0. FY car LT1 0. 3. FY car LT1 0. Y car LT4 0. 2. GMSPO ZZ3 HO Cam 0. GMSPO LT4 HO Cam 0. B FY LT4 TPIS. Cam LT1 LT1 LT4 ZZ3 HOT ZZ9. Intake Lift. 4. 18. Duration 2. Centerline 1. Exhaust Lift. 4. Duration 2. Lobe Centerline 1. Lobe Separation 1. All durations are reported at. The LT1 cam duration specs are from. I dont know if the duration specs have changed since then, but I dont. Note that the LT1, ZZ3 and TPIS ZZ9 cams are with 1. LT4s 1. 6 rockers the lift works out to the following. LT4. LT1 LT1 LT4 ZZ3 ZZ3 HOT ZZ9 ZZ9. CamRocker 1. 5 1. Intake Lift. 4. Exhaust Lift. The ZZ3 cam is from a smog legal crate motor that Chevy sells as an upgrade. F cars. It is a street cams that will produce good vacuum and run. Installation in a Corvette LT1 resulted in a 3. HP peak. gain, with more HP and Torque everywhere in the rpm range The cam PN. There are two versions of LT1 with respect to the camshaft, water pump, and. These parts are not interchangeable between the 1st. The 2nd design camshaft features a slightly modified drive end. The 2nd. design water pump is modified for the new drive, and the 2nd design distributor. The ventilation system was added because the low mounted. B cars. have the second design, and all other LT1s got it in 9.