Responsive and stable electronic pressure control. Alicat Scientific electronic pressure controllers provide responsive, stable control of absolute, gauge or. Manufacturer of softseated one, two, tree and four way ball valves and automated accessories. There is something in Industrial Hydraulic Control for everyone student, engineer and technician, from novice to pro. Heres whats included in each chapter, and. Products Ballvalves Control Valves. The FW4700 series valve 60 V full port characterized ball, 3piece carbon or stainless steel body, 316SS ball and stem, 15. Emersons Shafer valve actuation portfolio answers flow controls toughest automation, safety and productivity challenges. Body+sizing+of+liquid+service+control+valves.jpg' alt='Control Valve Sizing Software Online' title='Control Valve Sizing Software Online' />Control Consultants, Inc. CCI is a building controls distributor. Through our online store and Bostonarea showroom. At Control Consultants, Inc. CCI, our single. JVCV Software. Designed for engineers, the JVCV is a valve sizing program that has been developed to help you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of. Control Valve Sizing Software Online© 2017