In VMware Workstation Player, this setting can only be changed the VM is turned off. The Vora tools are stuck and I only see the rotating flower. Try using a more modern browser on your host machine. My mouse cant escape from the VMUsually you need to press ALTCTRL to activate the host mouse again. Change Ip Address Automatically Software Developer' title='Change Ip Address Automatically Software Developer' />The Vora manager doesnt start, I cant connect to http IPADDRESS 1. This might be a network problem. Try removing cache files and restart the engine sudo rm rf varlocalvoradiscovery. I see an error message about a native hadoop library and my query is failing. If you mean Unable to load native hadoop library for your platform. You can ignore this message. The library for HDFS can either be written in Java used in the developer edition or native not used in the developer edition. Hadoop is just a little too verbose here. The Zeppelin paragraphs stay in status pending forever. Check the logs in optzeppelinlogs. Sometimes it helps to restart Zeppelin with optzeppelinbinzeppelin daemon. My VMware Players terminal is not responding. You can switch to a new terminal with CTRL ALT F2. Go back with CTRL ALT F1. CTRL ALT F1 up to CTRL ALT F6 allow you opening up to six terminals. Official SAP Vora Troubleshooting Guide. Find it at SAP Vora documentation page. If solution is not available above Post a question on SAP Community Answers if you have SAP Community account, Post a question on Stack Overflow if you have an account there, Open an internal ticket in SAP Customer Support System using HAN VO component if you are an SAP employee.