History. The FreeDOS project began 29 June 1994, after Microsoft announced it would no longer sell or support MSDOS. Jim Hall who at the time was a student posted a. YUMI Your Universal Multiboot Installer, is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot Bootable USB Flash Drive containing multiple. Before we can do anything, we need to make sure our USB drive is emptied of data, formatted to the correct file system type, and marked as active so we can boot from it. Bootable Usb Dos With Ntfs Support Mac' title='Bootable Usb Dos With Ntfs Support Mac' />Easy. Boot. Are you new to Easy. Boot Create Multi Windows USB Installer You. Tube video by Britec here old method. Bootable Usb Dos With Ntfs Support Mac' title='Bootable Usb Dos With Ntfs Support Mac' />E2. B demo preview You. Tube video by Alvaro includes UEFI demo here. More You. Tube videos are at the bottom of this page. Loads of Easy. 2Boot. Tutorials on my blog. Easy to maintain, delete or update How to add or remove all your ISO and other files Copy each bootable ISOpayload file into a suitable menu folder on the E2. B USB drive e. g. Windows Explorer or linux no extra applications required. Make all files contiguous if required, e. MakeThisDriveContiguous. USB drive or run the linux defragfs or udefrag command from ISOdocslinuxutils folder. Boot to the E2. B menu and pick your ISO or payload file from the appropriate menu. To remove an ISO file, just delete it. Click here for a list of over 3. ISOs and other payload files that work with Easy. Boot including UEFI booting. Languages. Menu Languages English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Chinese, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese and Arabic menu text only. New languages can be easily made and added including Persian, Urdu, Hebrew and other right to left languages. Easy. 2Boot is a FREE collection of grub. USB drive. Each time you boot, the E2. B scripts automatically find all the payload files. ISO,. IMA,. BIN,. IMG, etc. on the USB drive and dynamically generate the menus. Each file is run depending on the file extension of each file. About Easy. Boot. Read How Easy. Boot works recommended if you want to get the best out of E2. B. You can make a E2. B drive using a Windows or linux system not Mac. Easy. 2Boot is a collection of grub. USB drive. Easy. 2Boot uses Open Source grub. E2. B IS NOT A WINDOWS UTILITYEasy. Boot E2. B supports both USB Flash and USB HDD drives FAT3. NTFS, ex. FAT, ext. Because Easy. 2Boot is not a utility, you can prepare an Easy. Boot drive under Windows or linux. Once prepared, just copy over or delete any ISOs you like, at any time in the future. You will need a Windows system to make. PTN files for UEFI booting and other purposes. Just add Windows NT6 . VHD,. VHDX and. WIM files and boot No BCD configuration file needed. Multiple UEFI multi booting of linux, Windows Installers, Kon. Boot, etc. from partition images see You. Tube video. Boot Windows, Win. Builder PE, MSDa. RT, linux and many others directly from ISO files in MBRBIOS modeAdd images of all your other bootable USB Flash drives to E2. B e. g. add images of USB drives made with Rufus, XBOOT, SARDU, YUMI, Live USB drives, etc. The. PTN image file is only as large as the files on the drive that you are imaging. Boot multiple versions of the Hirens Boot CDs with all features working DOS, linux, Mini. Windows multiple HP Utilities and many others. Boot to 3. 2 bit and 6. UEFI mode directly from MBR mode using Clover You. Tube video. UEFI Secure Boot supported. Boot multiple Windows. To. Go and fully installed linux OSs all from one partition. Compatible with ZalmanIODD USB HDD CD emulator boot ISOs from the Zalman or boot to E2. B menuEnglish, Chinese, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Ukranian, Greek, Vietnamese, Russian and German language options so far. Design your own menu theme using the free E2. BEditor. exe Windows GUI. Automate Windows installs direct from an unaltered Windows ISO file with drivers, Windows updates and applications SDIChoco. No need to re partition or re format your existing grub. USB drive though I recommend you do for maximum compatibility with different systems. For most ISOs just Drag and Drop copy your ISO file directly onto your E2. B USB drive MBRCSM booting only and bootUEFICSM booting of Windows Installers and Linux Live. CD payloads via a partition image and most other UEFI enabled payloads too, such as Kon. Boot. Can use a USB Hard disk with one or more partitions and still UEFI boot even if they are all NTFS partitions no complex GPT partitions needed. Boot almost ANY type of linux Live. CD ISO just copy it over Unlike XBOOT or YUMI, you dont have to wait for Easy. Boot to be updated to support a new linux ISO distro Easy. Boot is generic. See How it works. Boot to any UEFI Intel CPU payload directly from the grub. Clover. UEFI boot to an NTFS partition via Clover first FAT3. Also supports dual partition images e. FAT3. 2 NTFS. Install Windows XP to a system from UNMODIFIED 3. XP install ISOs any number of different ISOs to a IDESATAAHCIRAIDSCSI system no need to integrate special mass storage or F6 driversAlso works with Server 2. ISOs can be automated using answer file. Install directly from any number of different Windows Vista78SVR2. R2SVR2. 01. 2Win. ISO files can be fully automated using an XML answer file. Boot directly from linux Live. CD ISOs with persistence you can have all these and more on one Easy. Boot drive and boot them all with persistence YLMF, Ubuntu, Fedora, Start. OS, Porteus, pclinuxos, Backtrack. Mint ISOs and more. ISO but have 2 or more persistence files for the same ISO, one for each different user. Persistence files can be larger than 4. GB if you format the E2. B drive as NTFS. User configurable and fully documented you can change the background wallpaper, headings and text colours, move the menu position, make your own sub menus, make it beep when the menu loads, add your own GFXBoot menu, change menu font, use UTF 8 non ASCII characters in the menus, define your own hotkeys, add your own language versions, etc. Variety of example skinsthemes included. Compatible with Flash. Boot uses FAT3. 2 for booting old systems that have trouble booting from USB due to non standard USB BIOS boot support. Can boot some linux live. CD ISOs even if they are not contiguous or write protected ISOBOOT feature. Password protect the menu or individual payloads. PIN code protection, encrypt config files other security features. Hide some payloads so only you can boot from them. Guest Menu password protect the full menu so other users will only see a Guest menu when they boot from the E2. B drive. Its FREE Easy. Boot is FREE but please consider making a small donation to support this site and my work, it would be much appreciated Other Articles. Click here for a list of tested ISOs and read the German Com Magazine article here or Frettts German guide here or a series of French articles here or Russian article here. More Videos. Click here to see the Easy. Boot You. Tube channel videos. Real comments from real users. Easy. 2Boot is indeed a master piece. I have tried them all but none is close enough to Easy. Easy. 2Boot is one of those incredibly useful tools that once you use it, you cant imagine living without it. Gary Dantons E2. B installation guide. I have tried YUMI, Sardu and others, this one just does it all. In short, Easy. 2Boot is by far the best USB drive creation toolutility out there. This is one tool that every techie should have. Really, seriously, and truly, just use Easy. Boot. I wish I had this utility years ago. RMPrep. USB and Easy. Boot have changed the way I do my job. Snes Emulator 64 Bit Windows 8 on this page. Other solutions gave me problems. Easy. 2Boot is the first fully working solution E2. B wins hands down no question. Cant find anything else that can handle that many ISOsWent to You. Tube and started with Steves latest tutorials.