Click here to see more information about AddOn Modules for Sage Evolution Standard. JOB COSTING. The objective of this project is to deepen students understanding of the job costing process using actual business documents. This project helps. Sage 3. 00 Video Overview. Sage 3. 00 Real World Evaluations. Wondering if Sage 3. To better understand if it is a fit for you, explore data detailing the functional requirements, anticipated spending ranges, and company attributes of 5. Sage 3. 00. Quick Facts Q AQ. What functionality does Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 supports a broad range of business management functionality including finance, operations, sales, and service. To meet the needs of organizations with multinational operations, Sage 3. Integration with other Sage products allows the Sage 3. CRM, HRMS, time tracking, advanced business intelligence, and payment processing requirements. More. Q. How much does Sage 3. The price of Sage 3. The median estimated spending range for buyers considering Sage 3. Additionally, 7. 7 of Sage 3. Customized Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 pricing info can be found below. Q. What are the licensing options for Sage 3. There are multiple licensing models available for Sage 3. For new customers, Sage 3. Sage 3. 00c offering. At present, existing Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 2. 01. There are three version bundles available for Sage 3. Essentials, Advanced, and Complete which offer progressively more extensive system functionality. Additionally, select modules can be licensed a la carte. Bundle and module license costs are determined on a per user basis. Q. What industries is Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 offers broad functionality designed to support the needs of organizations in a wide variety of industries. It is most commonly used by distribution, professional services, and manufacturing companies. Additional Sage 3. Q. What size companies use Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 is developed and marketed for small to medium sized business. The median employee count for organizations considering Sage 3. Additionally, 5. 7 of Sage 3. For a more detailed breakdown of Sage 3. Q. Whats the difference between Sage 3. Sage 3. 00c The Sage 3. Sage 3. 00 product enriched with broad support for web screens. The web screen capability offers users the option to access the software via their web browser. Another key difference between Sage 3. Sage 3. 00c relates to the licensing model. Sage 3. 00c is available exclusively on a subscription pricing model, while Sage 3. Q. Is Sage 3. 00 available on the cloud The web screen capabilities of Sage 3. Sage 3. 00c can be deployed on an internal web server or hosted by a 3rd party hosting provider. At present, Sage does not offer a developer hosted deployment option for Sage 3. Sage 3. 00c. Q. What operating systems can the Sage 3. The native Sage 3. Windows operating systems. However, the support for browser based web screens provided by Sage 3. Q. What kind of tech support is available for Sage 3. Sage Business Care tech support is available for all versions of Sage 3. Subscribing to Sage Business Care provides software version updates, knowledge base access, chat support, phone support, and additional assistance. Additional support and consulting services can be contracted via Sage authorized solution partners. Q. What additional 3rd party software is available to extend Sage 3. A number of 3rd party software solutions are available to extend Sage 3. AR collections to EDI functionality. For a list of popular add on solutions for augmenting Sage 3. Functionality. Sage 3. The functionality checklist below documents Sage 3. ERP and business management requirements Functionality. Support. Note. Accounts Payable. Yes. Vendor payment automation GL journal entry batch updates multi currency multi language check printing. Accounts Receivable. Yes. AR prepayment support credit card processing period end automation user definable security authorization. Equipment Management. No. Authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Bank Reconciliation. Yes. Full reconciliation audit trail bank services security authorizations guided reconciliation. Benefits Management. No. Available in Sage HRMS authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Bill of Materials. Yes. Fixed variable cost reporting build quantity definition. Billing. Yes. Aging period definition customer credit management fixed price, time materials, or cost plus project costing options. Budgeting. No. Available in Sage Budgeting and Planning authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Business Intelligence. Yes. Sage Intelligence integrates and is provided with a Sage 3. Business Care subscription. Cash Flow Management. Yes. Bank services integration, reconciliation support, bank transfers. Commissions Management. Yes. Item commission eligibility management salesperson definable commission rates. Credit Card Processing. Yes. Requires Sage Payment Solutions subscription PA DSS and PCI compliant. Customer Relationship Management. No. Available in Sage CRM authorized 3rd party add ons available as welle. Commerce. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. EDINo. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Employee Records. No. Available in Sage HRMS authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Estimating. No. Available in Sage Estimating authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Field Service Management. No. Available in the Sage 3. Construction and Real Estate product. Fixed Asset Tracking. No. Available in Sage Fixed Assets authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Fund Accounting. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Fundraising Management. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. General Ledger. Yes. Fiscal year definition account segments groups GL security authorization control. Human Resources. No. Available in Sage HRMS authorized 3rd party add ons available as well. Inventory Control. Yes. FIFO, LIFO, standard, moving average costing serial lot trcking itemsku number customization. Job Costing. Yes. Hierarchical assignment of costs project levels burdenoverhead tracking billing integration flexible cost category customization. Manufacturing Execution System. No Sage X3 ERP or Sage 5. Material Requirements Planning. No. Sage X3 ERP or Sage 5. MRP requirements. Payroll. No. Available via Sage HRMS or Sage Payroll Services. Point of Sale. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Project Management. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Purchasing. Yes. Vendor contract cost management email integration cost proration returns management. Quotes. Yes. Quote expiration management quote to order conversion customer quote history. Recruitment and Talent Management. No. Sage authorized 3rd party vendor add ons available. Sales Forecasting.